Benefits of incorporating awareness days in your PR strategy

Coming up with a deliberate PR strategy every month can be tough. That’s why topical days acquire a great position in your monthly planners. Keeping the relevant topical days in the planner can result in increased visibility across channels. As every PR professional works hard to get a good story, topical days help secure impactful coverage across national and regional levels.

Topical days are tried and tested ways to make a PR campaign newsworthy. Some days are just for brand engagement while others are for exhibiting the brand’s responsibility and values for instance initiatives ranging from International Women’s Day to World Cancer Day. Many offbeat topical days are gaining prominence such as ‘Clean Off Your Desk Day’, ‘World Sleep Day’ and many others.

Nowadays, championing PR strategies around topical days has become significant to generate brand engagement and make it stand out from the market. Here’s how incorporating topical days into your planner can amplify the impact of your PR campaign.

Elevate news story

Securing positive media coverage is an integral part of the PR function. Whether it is a national day or week, an awareness day can augment your PR strategy not only to get positive news coverage but also to help create a perception about the client’s brand. It can help the client highlight their interest in a particular concern. For instance, brands conduct a PR campaign on International Women’s Day, supporting and empowering new working mothers to restart their careers with the client company. A good PR professional can use the opportunity to increase the likelihood of new working mothers choosing their client’s company for employment.

Get the brand opinionated

Topical days are best known for unlocking a brand’s potential and creating thought leadership. Positive media coverage backed by a strong PR strategy on a topical day can help establish the client as a thought leader in the market. Speaking up on a specific issue, concern or for engagement, topical days can position the client as an expert player and help gain credibility and influence. As part of the strategy, several PR positions harness speaker opportunities at industry events and panel discussions to establish the client’s authority and expertise.

Provide value to media

It is extremely important to note that PR efforts are not just limited to getting media coverage. It is also about finding a balance between the wants of the client and what’s needed. Topical days create an opportunity to provide value to the media by understanding the type of content that can offer a greater degree of engagement to media. Topical days can help PR professionals present relevant information that is of high quality, viewer appealing and of viewer’s interest.

Break away from the monotony of content

No one likes to see the same genre of content over and over again. To make a lot of noise in the media, an expert PR professional knows the importance of breaking away from the monotony of content. Adding topical days in a PR strategy reinforces new content ideas and feeds the media channels with a sense of uniqueness and creativity. In addition, it offers a fresh outlook on the client’s brand perception, showcasing its interest in engagement and value.

Boosts sales

Even though the festive season is usually a time for fun and holiday, the media still looks for credible stories. Sharing the story idea with appetite-satisfying content can deepen your connection with the media and readers. For instance, during Diwali, Dhanteras, Christmas or New Year, the media looks for a story that can promote an idea of creative gifting. Hence, topical days can be a great time to reconnect with journalists with relevant stories. PR professionals can utilise topical days as an opportunity to reaffirm their relationship with journalists on behalf of their clients and provide them access to exclusive deals being announced by the client. This helps PR professionals leverage their strategy and create a buzz around the client while boosting their sales.

If topical days are well-planned, timely information in the media can do wonders in raising brand awareness in the industry. Communication built on a strong pillar of creativity can drive meaningful connections while delivering a consistent message.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Ritika Garg
Ritika Garg, founder of Avance PR. She has 4+ years of experience in the industry. After completing her MBA from DTU she started her PR career from Ogilvy. After that she worked with boutique agencies and gained hands- on experience of PR before starting her own venture.

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