CarE for a ride?

An evening walk that turned into the evening ride of my life is a special memory from the week gone by. Deepa and I were out for a stroll when I spotted a beautiful vintage car driving past us. A few minutes later, we caught up with this red roadster, and she walked up to the driver and got chatting.

The gentleman behind the wheel, let’s call him Mr. Smiley, we got to know, had just celebrated his 90th birthday. Some of his family members had come from abroad and he was taking them for a spin in his favourite 1928 Ford Model A.

With the help of Google and my trusted in-house Adfactors auto expert Srini, I later learnt that Model A replaced the famous Ford Model T and is a reminder that we must keep innovating and changing. When competition started offering more powerful engines and personalisation by allowing customisation (as opposed to the model T, which was mass manufactured), the time for change had come. Between 1928 and 1932, Ford sold over 4.8 million Model A’s. Srini also shared that the Model A was the star of the Bollywood hit ‘Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi’.

Apart from this walk down history lane, our chance encounter with Mr. Smiley also left me with a few other reminders. Just by looking at a picture of the car, Srini asked me, “Does this belong to Mr. Smiley?” – I was amazed that he knew him. Srini said he did not know him personally, but his reputation preceded him and through his love for vintage cars, he was a known name in the circuit.

Care shines through. Mr. Smiley’s eyes lit up when he spoke about his beloved car. It was in absolutely fantastic condition, polished, shining, and fully functional. The back seat (yes, we did get to actually go for a drive with him) was spring-loaded and super comfortable like a sofa, and there was plenty of leg space. The love and care that has enabled this car to keep going, like the driver who was still out for an evening spin at 90, was just inspiring.

A smile and a hello go a long way. One of the secrets to longevity is exercise and the other is friendship. Mr. Smiley walks every day, and on his walks, he never fails to say hello to other walkers and passers-by. Sometimes it’s just with a smile, other times with folded hands and a “Ram, Ram..” but he never fails to greet another human being with courtesy and warmth. Courtesy of his love for cars and his care for people, he has many fans of all ages, and we are now part of that gang of well-wishers.

Living is about having the energy to explore and engage. I am most inspired by the idea that I too may be walking and driving my way into the future with as much joie de vivre. Not sure if I will get to 90, but meeting Mr. Smiley was a wonderful way to reflect on the idea that I must find within me the energy to keep exploring all life has to offer and to do it with a smile.

And oh yes, a little bit of PR goes a long way in building a reputation. Mr. Smiley is well-loved and admired in our community and beyond. He has well-wishers of all ages, from the kids (and grown-ups) who he allows to go for rides in his vintage car, to the walkers and pet owners that he meets every day, he has built an ecosystem of support. This community rallies around him because of who he is and how he interacts with those around him. Public Relations at its simplest, is about this truth. Care for yourself and others around you and they will in turn care for you. Creating and maintaining a two-way engagement with your stakeholders is at the heart of our profession.

Mr. Smiley thank you for the ride in this very special car that you have maintained with so much care. Thank you for touching so many lives in a special way. May the road rise to meet you. Keep smiling. Keep driving.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Nikhil Dey
Nikhil Dey is Executive Director, Adfactors PR.

A trusted coaching and communications professional, Nikhil Dey is a certified life and leadership coach (International Coach Federation - ICF). Nurturing talent and helping clients achieve their goals is what makes him happy. He loves learning from students of communication, teaching courses and guest lecturing at various educational institutions. When he is not working you will find him on the tennis court or out for long walks with his family and four legged friends.

Previously he has held senior leadership positions at Weber Shandwick and Genesis BCW.

He can be reached on twitter @deydreaming

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