Last week the finance minister Ms Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled India’s plan to achieve net zero target by 2070. Several schemes were announced by the government…
The kind of attitude you develop towards yourself determines how you will lead your career, your teams, and your professional as well as personal relationships….
The recent Tamil movie ‘Parking’ (currently on Disney Hotstar) is a brilliant showcase of how ego destroys relationships, unleashes anger, and can set in motion…
Having interacted with various women across industries, sectors, and designations, the one recurring theme that stands out is – women need to up their game…
The art of managing stakeholders has changed with times. In the past, companies were often tight-lipped and preferred a one-way communication. It was very much…
Whether you are a communications professional or steeped into government relations or a CSR expert, managing stakeholders forms a key aspect of your role. At…