Last week, the Karnataka Chief Minister felicitated B S Ankitha, a member of the coaching staff of the Indian women’s hockey team that finished fourth…
Strong media relations have always been one of the more cost-effective ways of marketing. Even though the benefits of building good media relations show up…
PR and Social Media, two specialties of marketing, are chalk and cheese but are progressively getting entwined like never before. For example, gradually, Twitter has…
At any busy railway station across the country, one would get to hear this very familiar announcement quite often… “Kisi bhi laawaris vastu jaise tape…
Notwithstanding the shadow of Covid still hanging over the economies around the world, digitisation has become an irreversible force of nature for businesses as well…
‘Marketing’ as the author describes in the book is a relationship between an organisation and its marketplace, customers and potential customers. More often than not,…
The year 2020 witnessed an unprecedented disruption across industries, inducing the need to adapt, change and equip fast enough to address the changing needs of…
COVID-19 has disrupted sectors across the globe and most organisations have revamped their strategies to Reboot, Reinvent and become more Resilient to face future challenges….