In an open letter to lenders recently, Subhash Chandra, Chairman, Zee and Essel Group, had pointed out his mistakes that led the organisation into financial turmoil…
The suspension of two talented young cricketers recently due to their off-field demeanour points to two pertinent things: one, professionalism and success are not just…
Strategic change undoubtedly requires breaking existing organisation cultures. For too long, the workplace has been plagued with the ‘yes culture’. We live in the 21st…
As someone who argued vociferously even up until the early 2000s against technological determinism, I now eat a humble pie, convinced that technology is indeed…
A Hopi Native American proverb states, “Those who tell the stories rule the world”. The importance of communication was realised by our ancestors thousands of years…
Hiring a PR consultancy is essentially one of the smartest decisions that you could make for promoting your brand organically. Rise above the benefits of…