Data. Data. Data. That’s all your need for your story

An obvious statement, whether you think analytics or information. Probably a must-do captured every year in the trend stories, as well as the year-end summary features. Even though this has been the OG approach, everytime a great story is told, the reality check is when someone manages to captivate audiences by converting data into a beautiful story.

Google’s ‘year in search’ 2023, threw up some brilliant stories around sports. The top list of searches in sports (in India), was dominated by Cricket. But was equally heartwarming to see Women’s Premier League, Asian Games and Women’s Cricket World Cup, make it to the top 10, list of searches. There is no doubt that brands like Google and Apple are impeccably amazing with their storytelling. But what’s interesting to know is how they seamlessly blend the numbers into a narrative that makes a place in your memory. And evokes an emotion.

This is what we as Communication professionals need to keep learning and getting better at. Data is critical. Understanding numbers, even more. But then picking the right information and transforming it into a compelling story, is what separates ‘sharing information’ from ‘storytelling’.

When you work for a grassroots sports Championships company – SFA – one must breathe and sleep numbers. This could revolve around growth of the company, athlete participation, performance and results on onground, daily involvement of the stakeholders onground, fueling the local economy and much more. All of this is special for each one of us as an employee of Sports For All (SFA). But what matters is how we build the story around these numbers, before they travel to the outside world. This was also important from the lens of what media wants and writes about. Any sport, Nationally or Internationally, is filled with performance data and yet gets fans immersed through the written word. This is the power of sports.

Being an ardent fan of tennis and Formula1, my interest to read about these sports gets deeper, despite the matches being available on OTT or any digital channel. The thrill to watch a wonderful match and then read about it, is mesmerizing. (Yes, Im talking about sports and not a romantic endeavor). But this is how sports shines through the art of using data and numbers to weave a captivating story. This also enhances the ability of a Communications professional because one is viewing the holistic side of the business and not simply a story written in a narrator’s style.

Think Spotify Wrapped! Their AI gets you and brings the best for your playlist. And every year they celebrate your time with them. Once again, a creative way to showcase a number-backed story.

Advertising often uses numbers (or percentages) to make their claims stronger. But these are often campaign based. Now here’s how PR & Communications can curate a narrative that will excite and captivate audiences.

So go back to the drawing board and figure out how to pen that ‘hockey stick’ growth your brand has just demonstrated!

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Pooja Trehan
Pooja Trehan, VP, Communications & Public Policy.

Building brands through story-telling is what keeps me going! Having spent 18years in this industry, I am far more excited to experiment on what's next to unlearn. Worked with industries across FMCG, Oil & Gas, Technology, Fashion, Telecom, Media House, F&B and now Sports, my curiosity to craft a narrative only gets deeper. Marathons, Black Coffee, learning about Scotch and Malts, reading everything i can, travelling, are few of other personal passions that I happily pursue.

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