Shifting office again…coming & going

And just like that, I am packing up my desk again. All set to move out of my son’s bedroom, which has been my office cabin since January of this year. I have enjoyed the privacy of having my own workspace. His study desk and ‘office chair’ helped me get into the work zone and his chest of drawers made a super standing desk for all my training workshops. I borrowed his gaming microphone to boost my audio quality and his table lamp to get the glow of lighting that screen-based work demands. A whiteboard came in handy and the guitar on the wall which framed my background turned out to be a great conversation starter.

Unknown to him a cupboard of his was emptied and his school books got cardboard boxed as I spread myself out and settled in. The second desk in his room became my coaching cavern, the safe space I created, where I put on my magical coaching cloak and transported myself to a different world. I am not looking forward to giving up my office room, but there is good news and bad news that change brings.

The bad news is that I am back to hot-desking this week. Zone 1 is the orange walled master bedroom, in my lazy boy, with a cushion desk on my knees and my laptop balanced rather precariously on it fighting for space with my other laptop Cookie (the cutest doggie). She thinks that it’s her right to occupy that lap space and is not at all happy with the competition for my attention that pings and talks instead of barking. Zone two is the dining table, with a lovely photograph behind me and a white wall as a background, for a more official setting, when I need to host a session that I am anchoring. The downside is that the wifi is weaker and it’s the central room in our home with the least privacy, so unplanned interruptions like the doorbell ringing regularly and packages arriving need to be taken in one’s stride.

I remind myself that I have become good at moving offices and I have lots of lessons that I learned on how to navigate this particular curve in the road. (This piece I wrote on the same topic has some interesting reminders to self… , where I delved in “What do I really miss about not having a Cabin?” a topic that has fresh relevance in a world navigating WFH and the hybrid workplace)

The good news is that son is scheduled to arrive back home. May 22nd was the day he was supposed to be on a flight back home. Earlier this year when we packed him off to follow his heart and find the American dream our hearts were heavy. We kept telling ourselves it’s just a few months till we see him. We were counting days waiting to have him back in our midst.

Mayhem seemed to be the theme of May and try as we might, to find some logical reason to bring him back home, the head won and overruled the heart. We did what was most difficult and as a family decided he shouldn’t come back till things got better. Right or wrong I don’t know. I so wanted to see our not so little fellow.

Making any kind of plans these days seems futile. Should we live in the moment? Think of today and not look towards next month? Is that the smart thing to do? Grab life with both hands and stay with what is right in front of us. Should we plan for the future? Play it safe and try and keep him out of harm’s way and allow him the chance of staying on campus as opposed to an online-only education in case he comes home and borders close?

Head and heart have different answers. In the end, we did what we always do. Had an honest conversation. Shared our thinking. Our hopes. Our fears. As a family, we decided to delay his return home and wait for the day when the young Dey can make his way back safely. Till then we will take it a day at a time. Locked in and waiting as we watch his coming and going from afar. He is lucky to be out and about with friends and we can only be grateful that he has that opportunity.

It seems like that day has arrived and as sad as I am to let go of my lovely cool office space, I so look forward to giving my son a warm hug and having him at home with us for a while. This is the story of life it seems, constantly shifting, lots of coming and going to be navigated. The key is to embrace each day with openness and love. My move, reminds me to make the most of what I have, when I have it, where I have it and then keep moving and look for the good in what comes next….make the shift with a smile. Settle in for the day and do some good work.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Nikhil Dey
Nikhil Dey is Executive Director, Adfactors PR.

A trusted coaching and communications professional, Nikhil Dey is a certified life and leadership coach (International Coach Federation - ICF). Nurturing talent and helping clients achieve their goals is what makes him happy. He loves learning from students of communication, teaching courses and guest lecturing at various educational institutions. When he is not working you will find him on the tennis court or out for long walks with his family and four legged friends.

Previously he has held senior leadership positions at Weber Shandwick and Genesis BCW.

He can be reached on twitter @deydreaming

1 Comment on "Shifting office again…coming & going"

  1. Life’s challenges are many and we are caught between heart and mind
    One day at a time with a peek ahead probably helps. Enjoy each day as a blessing and thank God for those wonderful.moments He blessed you with. Of ciurse this is just a retake on all that you already know … We just seem to pause longer at some stations
    Cheers Sir

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