The closed-door mindset

As humans we are wired to be open and social, we learn through education and more importantly experiences of life. However, it’s usually seen that as we become successful the doors of our minds start to close. While developing expertise comes with self-confidence, more than often the arrogance virus creeps into our systems. This virus can create a self-development disease called the closed-door mindset. As we all know, today change is the only constant more than ever. Change waves create new environments and situations. Coping with change effectively with positive disruption is the most applicable mantra today for not only survival but sustainable growth. Effective learning happens when one is humble and open to rebooting. A closed-door mindset in today’s world is a growth paralysis syndrome.

While most other mindset articles in this column ‘Destination Mindset’ is about how to evolve to a better and more impactful mindset, this article is about how to devolve from a mindset which is harmful to you at the very core. Here are some simple and practical tips for you to devolve from the closed-door mindset.

Diagnose carefully- do you have a closed-door mindset?

The first step is to ascertain if you have a closed mindset and if so to what degree? Because like we took precautions during the Covid Pandemic there are telltale symptoms of this mindset too. The best way is to take a few friends and closed ones into confidence and get factual and constructive feedback. Try and avoid doing this exercise with your professional colleagues, even if they are friends. Try and get feedback about you. Do you listen or try and dominate conversations? Even if what you propagate does not seem the right thing to do, do you still push your way forward? Are you a team player by nature? Do you really believe that you are always right? Do you consult others and take their suggestions into account? Do you believe that a mission is more important than your own self?

Create a strategic action plan to devolve from a closed-door mindset

Once you have correctly diagnosed yourself with a closed-door mindset you will also need to test your ability to adapt and change to be your best self. Any change needs a strong resolve at the foundation. Start with the simplest step of developing empathy for others. Once you start taking others into account and understanding them, you are actually opening the door of your mind to them. The next simple step is to listen to understand. Not listen to formulate your reply. Listening with an open mind does wonders and starts removing bias and self-importance. The next basic step is obviously taking the views of others into your consideration set. You must always though only accept these views based on merit and your own professional judgement parameters with one caveat emptor- organisation or purpose interest is supreme!

Monitor progress and nurture how you devolve

Take a very common example. The Doctor advises you to lose weight to become healthier. Either you can blindly follow your weight loss regimen of more exercise, less food, sticking to your diet, etc., or progress meaningfully in a planned manner to have a long-term outcome. Evolution to an open-door mindset is a similar process. Change of mindset is always long term, therefore the evolution is slow but sure. Start small and then move to bigger and more difficult aspects. Do keep an evolution buddy with whom you can actually resonate and get realistic feedback of the changes that happen. Do not get discouraged if you fail at first. Attempt again and again. Then you start seeing its impact and that for sure will motivate and reward you for all your efforts.

Take care of small things. Big things will take care of themselves.

“The closed mind is a disease. You need to have an open mind; otherwise, life will just pass you by” Danny Wallace

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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