The warm person mindset

Much before AI came into existence or the pandemic derailed us, I have seen humanism decline and erode. Smart phones and social media have taken us miles ahead in terms of awareness, connectivity as well as learning but has had its downfalls too. Real human interaction has eroded significantly. We have all become so caught up in the virtual world that real relationships are becoming more and more transactional and mechanical. Stress has caught up as the next widespread pandemic and its first prey is a person’s mental health with unnecessary physical ramifications.

Survival of the fittest has magnified and even perfection is not enough. Frowning has become the most common human expression. There are lesser laughters from the heart as compared to those that social or human situations demand. Warmth just lights up relationships of any kind or even the world like the bright sun on a rainy day. Warmth is a game changer and a mood shifter, especially in the world we live in today. Genuinely warm people never lack followers and friends. This is true in whatever you do. Business meetings, leadership interactions, customer interactions or even especially while networking.

The great thing is that like other mindsets you can actually really evolve to a warm person mindset. Here are some easy tips-

Understand yourself first

Before you make any change to improve yourself, its always good to analyse where you are in that improvement dimension. So, in this evolution to develop the warm person mindset you need to first assess whether you are warm (someone who is friendly, open to others, and shows affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour) or cold (someone perceived as emotionally distant and inexpressive by nature) and then you need to make your evolution efforts in the right direction. If you are warm by nature its just about getting warmer meaningfully. If you find that you are just wired to be cold, you will just have to work harder first to reduce your coldness and then begin your journey with warmth. The main idea here is to be firm and resolved in your decision to evolve to a new mindset. If you are not warm by nature, you will need to secure a mindset evolution buddy to help you by giving you frank feedback on your progress and positive change.

Fake warmth is a non-starter

Being warm is an incredible human emotion which creates connect and magic but fake warmth can be immediately detected and is an absolute repellent. You rather not then try evolving into a warm person mindset. Spontaneous warmth on the other hand will work much better. It’s the mind which actually controls our conscious and sub conscious behaviour, and you can change the way your mind functions. This is the essence of how you can use mindsets to become your best version. Empathy is the first quality you need to build into yourself to chase the warm person mindset meaningfully. Also the ability to connect with other human beings where you can then win friends and influence people. In the pursuit of building relationships, it’s always the big G that matters the most. ‘Genuineness’!

Warmth is a magic wand

Real and spontaneous warmth is like a magic wand. It creates a positive environment to start with where the human mind is proven to foster. Warmth results in immediate comfort, contrary to negativity which creates stress which places you in a danger zone and forces a fight or flight condition. Warmth reflects in your body language and even in your warm handshake when you meet someone for the very first time. In conversation, warmth removes any barrier or apprehension. A warm mindset teacher or professor gets more attention and involvement from his student. Friends and family look forward to meeting you to enjoy your positive company. The most important positive of a warm person mindset is that it immediately shuts down barriers and opens a person up and most often creates meaningful relationships.

“I don’t think that you can fake warmth. You can fake lust, jealousy, anger; those are all quite easy. But actual, genuine warmth? I don’t think you can fake it.” Keira Knightley

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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