Authenticity, Opportunity & Creativity: Key Takeaways from Godrej’s PR Strategy

The strategic role of Public Relations (PR) is multi-faceted and critical to an organisation’s success. It serves as a vital link between the organisation and its stakeholders, including the media, public, investors, and employees. Effective PR enables organisations to build and maintain a positive reputation, manage crises, promote products or services, and communicate their message to the right audience. By developing and implementing strategic communication plans, PR professionals can drive business results, increase brand awareness, and enhance an organisation’s social license to operate.

At PRAXIS11, discussing the topic – “Strategic Role of Public Relations in Building Brands Creatively” was Sudhir Sitapati, MD & CEO, Godrej Consumer Products Ltd started his talk by admitting that PR and Corporate Communication has made a huge difference in his life. He shared his dynamic insights on the evolving and strategic role of Public Relations. With a lively discussion that mixed humour with valuable lessons, Sudhir highlighted how PR has been a game-changer throughout his career. From managing crises to driving business success, PR actually plays a multifaceted and crucial role in achieving its goals and building an organisation’s reputation too.

PR in Action: From a Tarnishing Experience to a Kumbh Mela Triumph

Sudhir opened by recalling his first “brush” with PR – an impromptu controversial comment he made that ended up on the front page of the Indian Express! Despite this rocky start, he soon learned how PR could turn around perceptions, citing the iconic Lifebuoy Kumbh Mela ad campaign. The memorable “Did you wash your hands with Lifebuoy?” message reached higher heights, thanks to a well-timed PR strategy that sparked conversation and created lasting impact. “We took a gem of a PR idea, and people still remember it!” Sudhir exclaimed.

The Power of PR in Social Media & Share Price Sudhir revealed how PR was a key driver behind boosting Godrej’s share price by crafting a simple yet effective presentation to analysts. He emphasised how crucial it is to balance what the audience wants to hear with what the brand wants to say, especially in the fast-paced world of social media. “Positioning is never about what you want to say, but what they want to hear,” he stressed. He also shared a personal story of posting on LinkedIn to gather feedback, which led to an eye-opening learning experience through the comments and engagement.

Key Lessons for PR Professionals: Authenticity, Opportunity & Writing Skills

In a candid conversation with Priya Sheth Kothari, Senior Journalist, Sudhir offered invaluable advice for PR professionals. He outlined three key elements for effective PR:

  1. Authenticity – Know what your brand truly stands for.
  2. Spotting Opportunities – Be alert and ready to seize PR moments.
  3. Writing Skills – In a world where written communication is losing its edge, mastering this skill is vital.

Sudhir also noted the importance of timing for CEOs when deciding whether to speak publicly. “You need professionals constantly advising you. Whoever is in the ring has to take the call!” he added, underlining the importance of PR professionals in guiding top executives.

Creativity and the Big Idea

Wrapping up, Sudhir emphasised that creativity is at the heart of every successful PR campaign. “The Big Idea tends to be universal!” he said, highlighting how a simple, well-executed idea can resonate across cultures and platforms.

Personal Favorites

Sharing his hobbies, he said it was music and nature appreciation; and writing is also included as he also mentioned his book, “CEO Factory”.

Fun fact: Sudhir is an avid reader! Currently on his bedside table are The Song of the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee, Ulysses by James Joyce, and the timeless adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

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Shree Lahiri
Shree is the Senior Editor at Reputation Today and hopes to move from one focus area to another in the editions that will be released this year. Having worked in Corporate Communications teams, she has experience of advertising, public relations, investor and employee communications, after which she moved to the other side – journalism. She enjoys writing and believes the power of the pen is indeed mighty. Covering the entertainment beat and the media business, she has been involved in a wide range of activities that have thrown open storytelling opportunities.

She can be reached at: @shree_la on twitter

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