Live … in the growth zone

Yes. We are all growth and value add conscious and live in a world today where even perfection is not good enough. Actually, living in the growth zone is like living in the most preferred mindset – the growth mindset. While the growth mindset is the opposite of living in a fixed mindset. The core of possessing a growth mindset is to believe in yourself first and that you have a huge mine of unused capabilities which you can amply enhance through tenacity of pursuit, persistence of learning and following your goals single mindedly. Before going any further let’s look at the various zones we dwell in usually. We will come back again to how to develop a growth mindset.

Comfort Zone Map

We all prefer being in a comfort zone where we feel secure and in control of our environment. However, the truth is that we go through this phase in our infancy and childhood, in the care of our parents. Its unusual later on in life to find a real comfort zone as our struggles of life do not go away however affluent we become. There are failures and apprehensions thereafter and sometimes we get into a fear zone where what matters the most to us are what others think of us, we start lacking self confidence and can get lost in excuses for not succeeding. Do not ever reach this situation or live in this zone. Its self-destructive. Before reaching the growth, zone there is one zone which all of us need to pass through with all sincerity and that is the awesome learning zone. In this zone, you focus on gaining knowledge as a second nature and also acquiring new skills that will help you move forward in your career path. With this newly acquired knowledge and skill sets, you learn then to overcome challenges in your field and work domain. The next and final zone becomes your growth zone where you keep climbing the steps constantly. You don’t stop and there is no best version here, but you keep staying ahead as the next version. You identify your goals and the steps you need to take to reach there. You find your purpose, and then live your dreams. The key here is to reboot and refresh on this path as you go along to effectively live in the growth zone.

How do you reach a growth mindset?

Understanding and accepting that challenges are a way of life

Make yourself challenge proof. There is a challenge today around every corner. While some challenges leap at you out of nowhere, you can smell some of these bubbling. Become pre-emptive and anticipate to at least be ready when the challenge comes at you. And when it comes, do not panic. Train your brain to quickly analyse the challenge and the best solution to face it and overcome it. You however need to be fast or else a challenge can paralyse your progress

When you make it once it’s called a mistake

Everyone makes a mistake, I guess that why we are human beings. But repeating a mistake is not acceptable. The best way to get into a growth mindset and staying there is never to repeat a mistake. Learn from your mistakes. Take each mistake as a learning opportunity and change whatever you need to change not to repeat your mistakes. Analyse what really went wrong without any bias and then torpedo ahead

Get inspired by others

It’s important to learn through what you read on the internet, but its more important to learn from watching things take shape. See your own growth goals and identify heroes in the world who have mastered these goals. Follow them, let them inspire you. Watch their videos, follow them on social media. Also look around in your own environment, there may be people you know who you admire. Meet them, talk to them. Make them your growth buddy!

“Great things rarely come from sitting in comfort zones.” —Ben Alldis

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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