
Media Ambassadors

My previous article was on Brand Ambassadors while this article is an extension of the same but talks about media ambassadors.  Gone are the days…


Have you heard of the Dodo? It was a huge and heavy bird that ran too slow and was caught by sailors for its meat….

Intellect v/s Spirituality

Intellectuals accuse Spirituals of telling people not to use their own minds. Nothing can be farther from the truth. What is the logical mind? In…

The Archery of Narratives

Today, the consumer is in control, and increasingly the challenge for advertisers is to create experiences that people will want to have because they may…


“It’s called project Everest” said Kavikrut, the Chief Growth Officer at OYO. I was intrigued. With a twinkle in his eye, Kavikrut explained how a …