It’s now or never- an ever-inspiring mindset

Time is the most valuable asset we all have. While we welcome a baby into this world with so much joy and celebrate birthdays, there is one certainty- we are not eternal. Each one of us are born with a limited time frame. We speak our first word, crawl and run and then go into our teens, mid age, old age etc but behind our minds we know that one day it all ends. We have broken time into years, weeks, months, days, hours, seconds and try to do all we can in our 24 hours. Sleep, eat, work and recreate, while life rushes by like a bullet train with our journey flashing by and left behind.

In today’s days mental health has raised its head and many of us do not know how to handle our own, leave alone bear with the adverse mental health of others. We forget work/life balance and many of us have become robotic in our relationships. Our best friend is often stress and then we cope with its various negative effects on our physical health. Procrastination is another close friend who steps into our life which steps in with stealth. We keep taking on load and loose track of priorities while chugging forward. Often, we ignore great ideas we have because we are in a chaos of pressure, unfinished tasks and deadlines.

How do we stay happy in our workload pile, yet manage our work with passion, excellence and a smile? Just adopt a ‘Its now or never’ mindset.

What’s a ‘it’s now or never mindset’?

As they say, progress is a continuous process. Let’s just look at the telecom sector as an example. From its invention with a purpose of being a breakthrough invention of human voice conversation, see its evolution over time. From landlines to mobiles to smartphones today its progress has created a critical leverage for mankind. This new mindset is also an evolved approach to time and life management, being able to balance priorities and keep juggling to stay current and relevant. This mindset is not to increase pressure of deliveries and paralyse your productivity but to become more conscious and on your toes about balancing your workload and changing priorities real time. It just needs you to sharpen your sense of analysis further and route your progress past new diversions, unexpected clouds and sometimes even thunderstorms.

Changes you need to make to evolve to this mindset

You need to first sharpen your focus and enhance your ability to multitask significantly. This will surely need a refreshed outlook to work and life and much practice. Your brain works just a fraction of its full ability and adapts quickly to new demands. You will need to literally refresh your workload and committed deadlines more often in your brain. As a leader you are supposed to lead by example. Let me give you an example from my favourite sector, the air force. The leader of a squadron of war planes on a mission has to keep flying his aircraft optimally but also keep track of other pilots flying with him. The flight speeds are incredible and the consequences are losses of human lives. Imagine his mindset and how dynamic he is with his mission workload and priorities. This new mindset is similar

Tomorrow, will be too late

While we all know that we have limited time during our best version days, stop putting off important things for the next day as tomorrow could be too late. Unexpected changes happen especially in the world today. Whether professional or personal do not delay or procrastinate over your priorities. If you wanted to spend time with a special friend, make it happen. If you want to enjoy monsoons with your loved ones, do it. Don’t wait long as even the monsoons don’t last forever.

It’s now…or never!

“You may delay, but time will not.” — Benjamin Franklin

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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