Brain Storm

Time Management

We are always running out of time in our avatars as either public relations or corporate communications professionals. Less time, more things to do is…

Anxiety at work?

The life of public relations professionals almost always revolves around their clients’ needs and more or less they continue to be under pressure. Work pressure…

Personal Freedom at Work

In any organisation, a great work culture is essential for its success, as it has a significant impact on the overall performance of employees and…

Personal Branding

As public relations and corporate communications professionals, we have always focused on building our clients’ image and perception. Isn’t it important for us to do…

Pitching Media Stories!

With the life of a PR professional revolving around media & journalists, and their stories, often the art for public relations professionals lie in creating…

Courage at Workplace!

Courage is a quality of character that involves facing fear, pain, danger, or uncertainty despite one’s reservations. It involves being brave and daring in the…

Impact of social order at work!

Aren’t we humans really complex when it comes to our social structures and orders? Our society is organised in certain ways, including its institutions, systems,…

Hedonism in Work Culture!

Haven’t we heard of hedonism being, just a philosophical theory that pleasure is the highest good and ultimate aim of human life. Something that emphasises…

Success at Workplace!

What is success? And what does it mean for the employees in the work environment? Well, it may have different meanings depending on their individual…