Articles by Sarita Bahl

Tell me about yourself

‘Tell me about yourself.’ Oh, that ubiquitous question that one can 200% expect to be asked when giving a job interview, meeting a new professional…

Sticky situations

Sticky situations like ‘Post-its’ tend to stick with us for long and have the capacity to pull us down. As communicators, we work collaboratively across…

Socially conditioned

Last week I came across this beautiful video that a friend had put up on LinkedIn. The short video beautifully depicts how we are socially…

Writing a winning entry

The first time I was part of a jury to judge award winning communications/PR entries, I was elated. This completely resonated with my profession and…

Drawing up an advocacy plan

In one of my earlier writings, I had elucidated to how communicators can be advocators. The integration of communications with advocacy is the sine qua…

Find your style

Last week a colleague mentioned how she found my writings in Reputation Today to be simple worded, sans jargon. I said that I write from…