The auto refresh mindset

It’s all about speed of delivery and time management today. And an environment where just perfection is not enough. The present is the most valuable time slot today as increasingly in today’s VUCA world as tomorrow is uncertain and difficult to predict. Customers look out for the best option available more and more today. If your brand lags behind, before you know your market share gets cannibalised. Future ready professionals are in demand today, who accept stress as part of their normal work environment and have evolved to excel in continuous chaos. You survive if you are riding every wave with calm ease and smoothness. You are your best version at all times and a delivery smasher with next in class quality.

While all this reads easy, it’s difficult to achieve perpetually. Well done is better than well spoken. At the end of it all we are not created by digital technology or AI. We are human. How do we ensure that we live our life successfully under the new high demand work environment today despite our built in human trip switches? How do we survive the roller coaster ride of professional high demand, tumble and yet get up with a smile into the next assignment? The key to all this is to refresh and reboot continuously. How do you imbibe this into your nature as another productive habit? Transform into an auto refresh mindset. Basically this mindset is like the car and driver of a formula racing car on a track, where it breaks journey at a pit-stop to change tyres, check engine and then get back on the racing car track refreshed and ready. Here are some ways to evolve into an auto refresh mindset.

Identify your purpose and stick to it

Building on your strengths and improving on your weaknesses is always a good way to renew your journey of life but being clear about what you want to do and how you will use your skills to add value is very important. Let me give you an example which I take from the racing car driver on a Grand Prix track. If for example instead of racing ahead like crazy, he analyses the track and identifies his driving skills which he needs to use to keep ahead, it will be a clear purpose led effort to win the race. The chances of him winning the race becomes much higher.

Your optimum performance is driven by your mind

Keep your mind fresh as it drives your optimum performance. If you need to take a little break or distract yourself, your auto refresh mindset will prompt you to take this break. You need to be completely on top of what you are doing, so deep preparation is a requisite. Focus, recall your preparation and then move with high impact, knowledge and positive disruption to achieve your goals. Look after your mind. Do not overthink or let other problems distract you. Your optimum performance is driven by your mind.

A healthy body houses a healthy mind

Just as walk clears the mind. A glass of fresh juice wakes you up and gives you that additional energy to really move forward. Stay healthy, make health a top priority. Be conscious of your diet, watch the weighing scales as well as all your critical health indicators. Have regular medical check-ups and watch any threats at all that can damage your health. Your mind will continue to support you through your work journeys of excellence and keep you as your best version. Neglect your health and face obstacles in your progress.

Let your auto refresh mindset drive your life

A state of auto refresh is like a fuse that blows in your system that lets you know that you need a refresh to keep going. Pay heed to this fuse, you can never go wrong. Keep yourself at your most optimum level of mental and physical health. With passion and ability you will enjoy the journey as well as your destination.

“Just as established products and brands need updating to stay alive and vibrant, you periodically need to refresh or reinvent yourself”  Mireille Guillano

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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