Articles by Sarita Bahl

Are you listening?

Do you recall your school days? I often think of mine. During my times we had only one board – the State Board. The CBSE…

The foodie’s journey

Whatever profession you may be in, there will be number of times when you are bound to get stuck. What do you do then? How…

Tell me about yourself

‘Tell me about yourself.’ Oh, that ubiquitous question that one can 200% expect to be asked when giving a job interview, meeting a new professional…

Sticky situations

Sticky situations like ‘Post-its’ tend to stick with us for long and have the capacity to pull us down. As communicators, we work collaboratively across…

Socially conditioned

Last week I came across this beautiful video that a friend had put up on LinkedIn. The short video beautifully depicts how we are socially…

Writing a winning entry

The first time I was part of a jury to judge award winning communications/PR entries, I was elated. This completely resonated with my profession and…

Drawing up an advocacy plan

In one of my earlier writings, I had elucidated to how communicators can be advocators. The integration of communications with advocacy is the sine qua…