Having A Voice Is Like Having A Vote

Having a Voice Is Like Having A Vote.

Accelerate your journey from a leader to a thought leader.

Thought leaders are change agents. Committed to building a shared path for a better future for all,

I advocate for a world that is                         . My voice and my efforts are to bring a more sustainable change in the    . (I have on-purpose left the above blank spaces for you to consider).

People worldwide speak of women’s rights & empowerment, climate change, animal welfare and protection, equity for minority groups, industry-specific developments like financial literacy for women and youth, eco-friendly solutions, and more. To spread your ideas wide and far, you will need marketing efforts to your rescue. There is a need for more engagements and a follower base so that more people are reached and can propel change. You can connect with me on the marketing front.

I have learned through my journey that inspiring thought leaders must not only be knowledgeable but deliver on what is as is, and be comfortable to listen to new ideas, perceptions and views of people more responsibly. With ease, communicate on the subject matter. Besides, getting involved is primary. Taking a step further, a thought leader says what needs to be done and how it needs to be done to bring the necessary change, rather than simply telling what other needs to do. Be an example of one of them.

“We can’t be with people who always agree with us on everything. We need fresh perspectives to look at things differently, which only our opponents or naysayers will bring on board”.

Don’t second guess yourself; you don’t think you need to be an expert. As a marketing consultant helping people with personal branding, speaker opportunities, or blogging, I recommend leaders step out of their leadership into thought leadership roles to point out clearly what needs to be done. Use your experience to your advantage! Read more from Inspiring Women stories here.

As a CEO or a company Founder, wanting to be a thought leader requires ideas, clarity, network, influence, and more. If you become one, you will certainly help build a strong company, brand and community. Having an intention is a starting point. You need to be able to influence your ideas on a large audience and feel the vibe of positive change in them. Also, share life experiences that bring emotional connection with your audience. In the end, seek support from everyone.

What topics get you fired up? What issues do you think deeply about that you can stay committed to? Being a thought leader requires being active in your issues or niche. Being active and involved requires your commitment.

Think Through It:

A) What are the trends? What would motivate people to take action independently?

  • Technology Advancements
  • Political Landscape
  • Social, Demographic and Lifestyle Trends

B) Who is your tribe? Bring your friends, family, followers, and those committed to the cause just like you.

  • Send Invites and expand your community, seeking allies and
  • Post on Social Media & engage with your community
  • Advertise to the right audience on Google, Bing, Facebook, and Linked In

C) How will you make a difference?

  • Shared Experiences and Seeking Support
  • Public Speaker’s Opportunities and Talks with Members of your Inner circle
  • Drafting a Specific Point-Of-View (POV), Frequently Asked Questions and,

D) How should you deliver on your ideas?

  • Case Studies
  • Podcasts & Speaking
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs & Writing
  • Join a board, organisation, or a committee

That leaves me with a question for you. Why do you need top-position people to join you on the board? Why do top-position people want to become thought leaders? Establishes trust, Easier to get volunteers and Easier to get funding.

E) The goal is to be discoverable – How do we filter what is most important?

  • Identify platforms #praxis #reprise where you can have maximum
  • Think through your strategy and which medium is best for
  • Create content – videos, presentations, and visuals to engage with the

If you wish to pioneer a cause, a niche, and become a trusted thought leader in your circle, or even on Linked In, be known for something important. What do you want people to remember you for?

Start by increasing awareness.

Start blogging with information, your P.O.V., your data, and the future you see. Tag people you look up to in the same niche. We can help you write thought leadership articles.

Measure Resonance, Reach and Relevance

  • Social Listening on Social Media Insights
  • New invitations – email IDs and Business cards
  • Media stories in mainstream print or digital
  • Key messages in the blogs, stories, news
  • How many people have you empowered to carry forward your ideas?

Thought leadership is about making a difference through the support of trusted relationships. Once you are known as a thought leader, you will be invited to almost all prestigious networking and speaking opportunities just by word of mouth, your online reputation. At DreamWeb India, we help Build and Enhance Brands Online. Take a special interest in personal branding. Scale your ideas to reach a wide audience—online and offline.

Before I sign off, what are the causes that you care about? Where will you donate your money to make a difference if you grow rich tomorrow? Spark your thinking.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Preeti Juneja
Preeti Juneja is a distinguished Marketing Specialist and the Founder of DreamWeb India, showcasing a profound passion for Branding and Public Relations. Commencing her career at Genesis BCW, she gained extensive experience working closely with prominent Consumer and entertainment brands like Horlicks, The Park, and National Geographic Channel.

As a Brand Manager at UTV Entertainment, Preeti successfully launched UTV World Movies, collaborating with international film industry figures and foreign embassies. She championed brand advocacy through impactful campaigns such as '30 Years of Child Rights and You (CRY).' With over 23 years of diverse industry experience, including a noteworthy role as CEO at Loginworks Softwares Pvt. Ltd., Preeti continues to drive business sustainability and growth. In her latest endeavour at DreamWeb India, Preeti passionately empowers new businesses through innovative online marketing and public relations strategies.

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