How successful leaders build powerful mindsets

The leader mindset, my last article got positive responses. Several friends called saying that today’s new leadership style is what is required to stay aligned to the realities of the new generation and work environment. But of course, what leaders need the most according to my friends is the will power and ability to evolve into various mindsets as most of us are creatures of habit. These friends who gave me feedback are industry veterans, past clients or colleagues. That’s what set me thinking. I showcase different mindsets and how to evolve to them in my articles in this column but then started to recap the 110 brands I have led in my career and strength of mind leaders who were outstanding.

This took me a lot of time and deep thinking but I am happy to share you dear reader that I was able to analyse what immensely successful leaders do to develop a powerful mindset of success. Yes, super sharp focus, natural passion to be their best version, resilience, tenacity etc are some words that immediately come to the mind but here are some common behaviours that these leaders possess, which are worthy to emulate.

They are strong believers in their intention

These outstanding leaders are driven by their intention. Their strong belief in their intention comes from the goals they set for themselves and the organisation they lead. These goals are strategic and carefully drawn out after much deliberation and debate. Thinking is a top priority for them. They keep a finger on the pulse and monitor progress and expected results almost real time. Since they think so much, they always come up with new ideas and positively disruptive solutions.

These leaders are obsessively positive

Their energy and positivity light up the area they are in, like strong headlights of a vehicle in the dark of the night. They are wired to look at threats, weaknesses and negativity as opportunities. However, they practice ‘Realistic Positivity’. Positivity just for the sake of it can backfire badly. Their positivity is fired by feasibility, the intention to achieve despite any obstacles and confidence in their capabilities of creating the best-in-class product or service. Believe me I have seen such leaders in action. Failure for them is a stepping stone to success

Constantly learning and relearning is their second nature

There is one commonality between outstanding leaders which is their insatiable thirst for learning and relearning to be future ready. They have no arrogance of their knowledge and in depth experience that they possess, but are outright humble and stand to be corrected. They learn even from new joinees, in their team. Most of them have a hardwired growth mindset, where constant learning is a prerequisite. They follow masterclasses, make time for training sessions and are voracious readers

They laugh often and make others laugh too

Taking their work as a passion rather than just a means of earning money makes these outstanding leaders enjoy their work. Work is never a stress for them as they enjoy themselves while working as much as they would enjoy a game of golf or a good hearty meal. Therefore they are happy working and laugh often and really laugh. They create a merit based environment where success is celebrated. They therefore make it a point to make others laugh too. People do not come to work, where they lead. They come to fun!

Hobbies and ‘me time’ are part of their daily life

These leaders know their goals well and are master time keepers and they make the time for rest and rejuvenation. Their hobbies are important for them as they help their mind to get diverted from work and therefore recharge and reboot. As they are primarily deep thinkers, getting enough ‘me time’ for them is important because they dive deeper, reinvent and keep looking at fresh ideas and new approaches. Many of them meditate or use yoga to calm their minds. Positive mental health is very important to them.

Building powerful mindsets are shared by the world’s exemplary performers whether they are CEO’s, professional service providers, chefs, athletes or accountants!

This article is inspired by and dedicated to Shri Sheo Shekhar Shukla Principal Secretary, Tourism & Culture Govt of M.P. and Managing Director of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Henry Ford

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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