Mastering Conciseness: Tackling Verbose AI Writing in the Communications Profession

Do you become transfixed when you discover something that’s just a little bit “off” but you can’t tell why? That’s how jargon led AI articles feel to read. Think of wordy AI writing like a box of mismatched puzzle pieces. Each piece might be intriguing on its own, but when forced together, they form a confusing and convoluted picture. So what can you do to reduce fluff in AI-generated articles? The first step is understanding why it happens. AI writing algorithms are programmed to look for patterns within the existing text and copy those patterns when creating new content. This means many times the same words are used over and over again when creating articles, making them feel repetitive or generic. This can adversely affect the quality and reputation of any given business’s communication efforts.

Possessing the ability to not only create effective communication strategies but to weave it into coherent narratives is an essential foundation of our profession. While AI undoubtedly offers a valuable set of tools for communication professionals, there’s a subtle balance that needs to be struck. AI can certainly generate text efficiently, but it lacks the contextual understanding and emotional nuances that humans naturally possess. Effective communication is about more than just arranging words; it’s about conveying meaning, evoking emotions, and inspiring action. These are areas where human insight excels.

As the communication landscape evolves with AI integration, it’s crucial to recognise the strengths of both AI and human professionals. Let’s delve more into how we can make sure to create best communication outputs with apt AI integration:

Set Clear Objectives: The genesis of effective AI-assisted communication begins with articulating crystal-clear objectives. Every word carries intention, and the onus lies on us to phrase these intentions eloquently. Without explicit instructions, AI might fumble in grasping the essence of the message we intend to convey. Thus, mastering the art of concise and purposeful instruction is the cornerstone for unleashing AI’s potential.

Lack of clear instructions or prompt: As AI cements its presence, it becomes imperative to notch up the art of AI prompting. The quality of the prompt plays a significant role in determining the relevance and usefulness of the AI’s output. AI prompting can ensure consistency in brand voice and messaging. It can be instrumental in  instructing the AI to maintain a specific tone, style, and vocabulary that reflects the brand’s identity.

Post-Generation Editing: View AI-generated content as a rough draft rather than a final product. Expect verbose sections and plan to edit the content to achieve clarity and conciseness. During the editing process, focus on removing redundant phrases, unnecessary adjectives, and repetitive sentences. Be ruthless in trimming down content while retaining its essence.

Implement the “One-Third” Rule: Consider that the first one-third of your content is where the main ideas are established. This section should encapsulate the essence of your message. If the AI-generated content becomes verbose, concentrate your editing efforts on the initial portion to ensure a strong and concise introduction.

Human Touch and Judgment: While AI tools are valuable aids, the human touch remains essential. Use your judgment to evaluate the quality of the generated content and make necessary edits. Your experience and expertise in communication are invaluable assets in refining AI-generated material.

As we move forward in this dynamic landscape, let us not view AI as a replacement, but rather a complement to our proficiency. By integrating these strategies, we unlock the true potential of AI, pushing the boundaries of effective communication to new horizons. In doing so, we forge a path where innovation and human ingenuity converge, ensuring that our communication efforts remain at the forefront of excellence.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Aanchal Kohli
As the Head of Corporate Communications at SoCheers, Aanchal Kohli plays an integral part in strengthening the agency's external and internal communications with an aim to expand its footprints across media verticals, spanning over Digital and Print publications. Her key roles include, but are not limited to, crafting the best communication strategy for the agency, maintaining brand & media relations, building employee communications & engagement, and developing digital communications in this diverse digital ecosystem. Her excellence has been recognised time and time again by several renowned entities, honouring her with prestigious accolades.

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