Mindset for success in professional services - Reputation Today

Mindset for success in professional services

Professional services have thrived over ages ahead of products. In earlier times there were domestic servants, tailors, carpenters etc. As the needs of society started to evolve several other professional services came into being. In today’s world there are many kinds of professional services including services that help in business growth and consolidation.  One of the more popular professional services that has thrived is Public Relations and its allied offerings. Became a business tool earlier in the US and then came into India. Do professional services need a particular mindset? Can such a mindset be developed? The answer is yes. What are the traits of such a mindset and how can you develop your own mindset to align?

An attitude of service

The starting point in acquiring a professional services mindset is to have an attitude of service. This means that you understand that you or your organisation are being paid for a service that you provide and therefore being able to serve well and satisfy a client’s needs. While you are providing your client with the knowledge and execution in specialised skills you must have the humility to add value to your client’s needs. A satisfied client is an endorsement of the services you provide. Remember a happy client is your biggest asset. It has a domino effect on your growth.

Oodles of patience

You will have to be naturally patient or develop oodles of patience to excel in the professional services business. Your client will be tough on you and demand the best from you. In the service industry you will need to develop the mindset of being patient, persistent and resilient till you achieve client satisfaction. This is also relevant in sectors like hospitality, travel, wellness etc. Most of us in professional services have to face client ire for mediocre work. On the other hand some clients are generous with accolades for work well done too!

Understanding of human nature

A critical skill needed in professional services, especially in the post pandemic world today where empathy is a key pivot. If you have a mindset where you can understand human nature you are in the right profession! Every professional is a human being and each human being is wired differently. Just providing professional services in the best possible way is one thing. But getting your client to buy in and participate is another. Once you understand the human your client is and align with him. Your battle is won before even you have only just begun.

Be ready to start all over again

The communications business is all about strategies, ideas and impeccable execution. Do not give up if the client asks you to trash your proposal and start all over again. Throw your ego out of the chimney! Communications as a professional service is all but a business tool. If the business environment changes, if completion adopts a new strategy or comes up with a new great idea, the client will expect you to reboot and deliver. You need to be flexible and adapt very quickly. All these qualities are about an effective professional services mindset.

Your know how must show how

A professional services mindset means also to exceed set expectations and showcase your work periodically. Otherwise it’s a chain of demands and deliveries. The client will go on with work and his business without realising the value you have added. Reviews are an ideal bridge to leverage how much has been achieved against set goals. For moments of brilliance just flash flag to your client team. After all a premium professional services provider travels a path of milestones of excellence

Do keep in mind that a leader in professional services travels on two rail lines like a train. One his own contribution and second the contribution of his team. If that leader has a professional services mindset, the team will naturally follow!

“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” Marshall Field

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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