PR Without Borders: Elevating Your PR Journey

I moved to the United States 8 years back. Before that, I was working with one of the largest public relations consultancies in India. I had a career plan and goals of where I wanted to be in a certain number of years. I was doing what I had always wanted to and worked with some of the finest professionals in the industry. In a nutshell, I had it all. And then, within 3 months, I had to leave everything and move half-way across the world with zilch experience in that country and with almost no contacts! My biggest concern was that I will have to start from scratch. That my experience and qualifications will not hold water in the US. 

But I realised sooner than later that it wasn’t true. My international work experience with multinational clients on varied issues and industries was most valued and sought after. My first interview happened only because the recruiter from a healthcare marketing firm saw names of international pharmaceutical companies on my resume. 

We live in a world where experiences are not bound by regions. We all work with companies or clients, which operate in a global environment and are only expanding their global reach. Our jobs have made it essential for us  to understand and navigate the complexities of multiple markets and cultures. Whether it’s introducing a new product, managing a reputation crisis, shaping public perception or seeking stakeholder endorsement, PR professionals play a crucial role in bridging gaps and facilitating effective communication that reaches beyond borders. This shift reflects the evolving nature of our profession, driven by the international presence of brands, companies and consultancies.

Advancing Your Career in PR Beyond Borders

For regional PR professionals looking to advance their careers beyond boundaries, here are three concrete recommendations based on my experience: 

  1. Enhancing Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence, or CQ, is crucial to understand, adapt to, and effectively interact with people from different backgrounds. Diversity no more only means genders, it means cultures, traditions and even ways of thinking. In a globalised PR landscape, having a high CQ is invaluable. I don’t get many sports references people at work make but barring that, I can always connect with them on travel, movies, political ideologies or even food! 

So how can you enhance your cultural intelligence?

  • Actively seek opportunities to immerse yourself in different cultures. Reading about different cultures, interacting with a diverse group of people within your own communities, looking for opportunities to work with international clients and colleagues, and traveling (if possible) are all ways of broadening your horizon.  This can include traveling, living abroad, or simply engaging with diverse communities within your own region.
  • Consider enrolling in cross-cultural training programs or workshops. These experiences can provide valuable insights into cultural nuances and communication styles.
  • Seek mentorship from PR professionals who have successfully navigated international markets. They can offer guidance and share their experiences to help you better understand cultural dynamics.
  1. Build a Global Network

I was always laser focused on my deliverables. Networking was hard for me. But when I was navigating the job scenario in the US, I did not hold back. I took out all the business cards I had collated over the years and it did not matter whether I had met those people just once, I wrote to everyone for meetings and call to discuss opportunities. Networking is the cornerstone of career growth in PR and in today’s world it must go beyond regional boundaries.  Here’s how to build and grow a global network:

  • Participate in international PR conferences which bring together professionals from around the world.
  • Connect with international professionals and thought leaders, engage in discussions, share insights, and learn from global perspectives.
  • Seek opportunities to work on global PR campaigns or projects. Collaborating with colleagues from various regions can expand your network while enhancing your skills.
  1. Stay Informed About Global Trends

Keeping up to date on global trends is crucial. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Regularly read and watch news from international sources. Understanding global events and issues is essential for effective PR, as it enables you to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities.
  • Invest time to read industry-specific research reports and studies from different regions. These sources can provide valuable insights into emerging trends and consumer behavior.
  • Invest in continuous learning and professional development. Consider pursuing certifications or courses that focus on global PR trends and practices.

Recently, at a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) conference in Nashville, I experienced first hand that the PR industry knows no bounds. During the event, PRSA awarded a PR veteran the lifetime achievement award. To my utter surprise, I found that the veteran was an Indian PR professional who flew from India for this recognition. Living so far from my country and seeing a fellow Indian was my K3G ‘Woh Bharat se aaya hai’ moment! It ended with both of us getting lunch together and chatting about the industry and numerous people we know in common. 

In the world of PR, the possibilities are truly boundless, and your career can be as far-reaching as your aspirations if you aim for more.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Payal Raj
Payal has 15 years of global communications and advocacy experience, covering broadcast business news, journalism, media relations, public affairs, and sustainability communications. She's worked across Asia, Europe, and North America. Currently, as Senior Manager of Sustainability Communications at Mars Pet Nutrition, North America, Payal's expertise encompasses strategic communications, crisis management, issues advocacy, and stakeholder engagement. Her blog provides a global perspective on PR trends and challenges, reflecting her diverse industry background.

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