Sprinkles of support

Try as I might, I cannot recall where I heard this beautiful phrase “sprinkles of support”. For some reason, as I sit down to reflect on my learning from this week, it keeps coming back to me. Maybe it’s because I have experienced sprinkles of support from so many different sources.

A reminder that every drop of goodness counts. An ex-colleague and friend, who is going through a tough time, reached out through social media for help. People known and unknown rose to the occasion. Everybody contributed what they could. Sprinkles of support came pouring in from quarters unexpected, all shapes and sizes. How much you give or how little is not in question. The willingness to sprinkle the support is what lifts the spirit both of the giver and the receiver. As I think about this, I am convinced that I can add a drop of help to someone else in need and I stop writing for a few minutes to do just that. The simple act of reflecting on this idea moved me to action. I am convinced my drop will make a difference.

A reminder about the importance of psychological safety. I got a taste of what a sprinkle of support can do in a team meeting. Every person who was logged in got a chance to speak, their views were sought and they felt comfortable speaking up. The people on the call got a chance to air their point of view, discuss ideas and feel valued for their contribution. It is a wonderful realisation that I can be seen and felt even with my camera off. The leader who allows every voice a chance to be heard is adding a hefty sprinkle of support in this new screen based world we live in. I am grateful for this reflection, it reminded me about a piece I wrote and a beautiful word that triggered it “Sanibonani”. It is a Zulu greeting that means “I see you”  If you like this word, do read the full article here.

A reminder about the power of celebrating success. One of the coaching competencies, No. 8 ‘Facilitates Client Growth’, underlines the importance of celebrating the progress and success of a client. A big thank you to my coach for creating and holding space for me to pause, remember and focus on all that is good in my life. This highlights the important role that coaches can and do play in sprinkling support on their clients and allowing them to enjoy a moment reveling in their awesomeness. That little sprinkle at the end of our session added a spring to my step.

A reminder that a few seconds can last a lifetime. I attended my first Annual Change Meet (ACM) where each team of the organisation shared their vision of a reimagined future and met with sprinkles of support. The energy and spirit of encouraging each other was a powerful reminder that so much can be achieved when we work together. A big smile awaited me when I checked my phone during a break and found this message “Hey Nikhil, it was wonderful to see you and hear you…” That one-line message was all it took to transform my day and create a happy memory that will stay with me. As more messages kept coming in, they made me want to send a few to others. It just takes a few seconds to change someone’s mood… sprinkle some support. Do it now.

And that is the point about sprinkles. They add that little extra to ice cream. They bring an element of colour and fun. A sudden burst of flavour, a change of texture, a happy surprise when you least expect it. They transform the ordinary and make my vanilla ice cream into a super sundae. So here is me reminding myself to keep sprinkling support every day in every way that I can. I am grateful to all of you who have added colour and joy to my life.

It takes so little to sprinkle support and it can change so much. Sprinkle. Sprinkle. Sprinkle. Sprinkle away.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Nikhil Dey
Nikhil Dey is Executive Director, Adfactors PR.

A trusted coaching and communications professional, Nikhil Dey is a certified life and leadership coach (International Coach Federation - ICF). Nurturing talent and helping clients achieve their goals is what makes him happy. He loves learning from students of communication, teaching courses and guest lecturing at various educational institutions. When he is not working you will find him on the tennis court or out for long walks with his family and four legged friends.

Previously he has held senior leadership positions at Weber Shandwick and Genesis BCW.

He can be reached on twitter @deydreaming

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