The auto reboot mindset

Failure of any kind trips us bad. Natural consequences of disappointment, discouragement etc overwhelm us. This is where an auto reboot mindset helps us recover fast and get back on track, or else failure can take us back many steps and often one bad failure can take us back to where we started, regressing back to the beginning of our attempt to zip ahead. I keep referring back to the trauma of the pandemic and the VUCA world we live in as this kind of new normal has created an uncertain and ever-changing environment we now live in. Its either sink or swim. And no one wants to sink, for sure!

In the business world where today perfection is not enough and excellence is a taken, the degree of effort needed to succeed is truly intense. But success is not guaranteed. There are many tests that we go through and each test teaches us a lesson in management in today’s world and we evolve, use newer techniques and relearn. Technology is a great enabler and you need to be flexible to change quickly to do it differently. Here too the auto reboot mindset helps you to cope immensely.

Here are some simple methods you can use to adopt the auto reboot mindset:

Embrace the magic wand of reboot

Reboot is indeed a magic wand of its own kind. It questions your habits and helps you to graduate to the next level through logic and best fit efforts. Otherwise as humans, we are always wired by habit to continue to do what we have kept doing. No one here questions traditions and culture which have come down through the ages, and are a part of us and how we live in our communities. Its really all about undoing how you go about your business of life, embracing evolution and technical progress to do things faster and do them better. Also how to turn a bad experience from a failure to a learning exercise to do it differently and better the next time. Opening your mind to adapt to change positively is a gamechanger for you to use reboot as a lever of sustained progress and success.

Igniting change that stays firm

Basically, each time you reboot you ignite positive change, but if you change just to get it right for that moment you lose the long term pizzaz of change that stays firm and sustains your success. Reboot is basically a foundational change from your current state to a fresh state to cope with the state of mind burden and stress to restarting afresh, leaving the past behind as a learning experience. One way to ignite change is to do a brain dump. Whenever you face an overload slump, just dump all your workload and stressors on a piece of paper. Then, first relook at that list in terms of what is urgent and important and what seems urgent but could be delayed. Also do a reality check. How many in your workload list are real, or are they just your perceptions? You need to do this brain dump periodically. Especially after facing a rejection in your work delivery or a moment of failure. Only then you can ignite a change that stays firm and supports an auto reboot mindset.

Glass half full, not half empty

Where you are, will change in minutes, where you were has already gone by. Instead of fearing a situation or getting overwhelmed, see how you can gain from it, therefore auto reboot and ride the wave of change to your advantage. Practice a lifestyle of positive affirmations. Be grateful, glance over the shoulder to see how far you have come, when the way forward looks long and windy. In all this being on your toes and nimble to adjust, embrace and adapt, be conscious to see your positives instead of looking at your negatives all the time. Be upbeat and happy. All these small steps trigger the evolution of an auto reboot mindset!

“The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” Josiyah Martin

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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