The balanced life mindset

In our quest to live life meaningfully, we are often prone to try and fulfil every sphere of our life’s goals and requirements. Given our human limitations, time scarcity and many a time capability imbalance, we often mess up our multitasking to achieve every aspect that we have earmarked as a must do. Here the balance tilts and there are consequences. Firstly, stress hits us big time with all its side effects. We loose track of our priorities. Calmness converts into irritation and imbalance. We start missing deadlines, the quality of our output drops and above all, the motivation and drive we have developed with so much effort, starts to decline….

The balanced life mindset builds in internal triggers and warning systems that alert us when our overall workload gets overburdened. This valuable mindset makes it a habit with you to prioritise and manage your tasks with time management and proper planning. In today’s world of ‘I want it yesterday’ in creates a business environment of urgency at multi levels and a crisis like work atmosphere look like complete normalcy. A crisis usually creates a mindset of fight or flight which eventually leads to burnouts, confusion and loss of quality in our output.

Here are some fundamental changes you need to bring in your life to create a balanced life mindset.

Capability audit

The first natural step is self-realisation. Are you smarter than you think or is your self-perception exaggerated? Seek frank feedback from your mentors and seniors. Identify your areas of improvement and functional weaknesses. Turnaround time in the market today is a key differentiator but high quality is expected to be a basic delivery. Even sometimes perfection is not enough. Therefore, your understanding of your business and domain needs to be almost at your fingertips. Identify your weaknesses and strengths in your own capability. Sometimes an extremely negative score might mean that you are really not meant for the job you currently do. Its always better in this case to pause, rethink and even look for another job that suits your capabilities better or you will constantly be mired with life imbalances.

Define your priorities and values

You are in motion from the time you are born. You go through a prolonged period of learning and education. Learning to crawl then to walk, run, swim and so on. Eventually that stage comes in life where you step into the world of work and bread winning. This is the most important door you open in life and leap forward. Here we usually meet parents or elders who want you to become something that they could not become. But actually, this is the time to define your priorities and values based on your natural bent and inherent capabilities. Meet a career counsellor or even more than one. Remember, they only help you to understand your academic and career strengths and weaknesses. Any professional post-graduation course you take up, will give you opportunities in internship in the domain you have chosen. Do not while away this internship as a mere passenger in the education bus. Use it to see if you resonate in this domain/assignment. Then reflect and decide the way forward.

The many other influences of balance

Life is essentially there to be enjoyed and cherished, therefore there are in reality many influences of balance which include the famous work-life balance, personal or emotional fulfilment, real wellbeing and happiness. These are what differentiates us from machines and robots. As long as you have satisfaction and happiness in most spheres of your life, your positivity will drive the perfect balance you seek. Work life balance is key for a professional in any domain and at any level. For all the effort that we put into life, we need to be perpetually motivated, satisfied and happy.

“Balance is not what you can find, its something you create” Jana Kingsford

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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