The ‘Communicator’s mindset’

We think that communications is a specialist skill that is required only for PR professionals. Yes, PR specialists excel in the communications business and are hired to ensure that the communication objectives of organisations are met and the right image or perceptions are created in the minds of the target audiences. However, in today’s world of sophistication impactful communication is the real cutting edge. Communication skills help you in getting your work done better through others and even make you better understood in your personal and professional lives.

As with other skills and talents, not everyone is a born communicator. However, as we know, ineffective communication has its own shortcomings and drawbacks. Interpersonal communications are done through interface and is the primary form of communication even today, but with the advent of telecommunications the importance of the spoken word and the tone you use to speak can make all the difference. The written word has always mattered greatly but today new mediums have evolved. From simple letters to e-mails, social media posts and messages sent through WhatsApp and SMS, each has its own style but the core remains the same. Your communication must be clear and direct. It must be tailor made to the person you are communicating to.

Here are 4 simple steps to develop a ‘Communicator’s mindset’:

Be clear why you want to communicate

Professional communicators always define the purpose of their communication, but this is for organisations and firms. It’s no different. Unless you are with friends where everyone rambles and you ramble back, you too need to be clear why you want to communicate. Even for a meaningful conversation, you need to go into a relevant think mode. There is even a saying that goes “Before you open your mouth, engage brain”! Once you are clear what you want to communicate, your words will flow out meaningfully and seamlessly and whatever you say will make sense.

Keep it simple

I have never understood why people use jargons and big words even to communicate something simple. Our brain reacts very differently when we communicate in a complicated manner, it tends to become closed after a while as it has to work harder to decode what you communicate. From your message the brain distracts itself to decipher the words you are using and may even shut off. Yes, even the brain has an inbuilt trip switch! Unless you are lecturing or speaking at a seminar which needs you to use domain related professional jargon, just keep your written and spoken communication simple and lucid.

Active listening is also communicating

Just think about this. Most of the time we don’t listen to understand but listen to reply. Real communicators believe in active listening and that’s what creates effective communications. Any kind of conversation is a two-way street where the person you are communicating with, realises that your have their interest, concerns or point of view at heart. This is true with written and spoken communications, relevance is a superpower. Never make your point of view paramount unless you are a professional doctor or  lawyer and are being paid for it. Your communication must add mutual value to your conversation.

How you communicate is more important than what you communicate

Never communicate when you are overwhelmed with anger or emotion, it blinds your objectivity and clouds your sense of judgement. Sometimes words spoken in anger can break and damage relationships. Similarly written communication in the spur of the moment has catastrophic results. Worse still, it remains in writing for time immemorial. Your communication is decoded and consumed by the recipient and your tone decides how it will be digested! Watch your tone when you quickly respond to a social media post or reply to a WhatsApp message. Watch your body language when you interface.

When you acquire a ‘Communicator’s Mindset’, you continue to win.

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”

James Humes

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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