The formidable ‘Getting things done’ mindset!

A leader’s role may differ from domain to domain but there is one commonality – a leader gets things done.

In professional services, the leader plays a double role. He gets services delivered and also delivers services himself. Getting things done is an easy term but actually complicated, an ideal quantity/quality mix with its own parameters and deadlines. The reality is that no leader exists without a team to lead. It’s impossible to achieve scale all on your own, unless it involves individual technical expertise like medical or legal experts.

You need to evolve to a different level of a multitasking mindset where you monitor the progress of your team members as well as that of your own to reach the goals that you have set to achieve for your organisation. They say that a goal is just a dream with a deadline. The core principle of developing this mindset is to have clear goals and purposely use your energies and time to achieve those goals. What are the different components of a ‘getting things done’ mindset? Here are some components which are easy to make part of your second nature so that you achieve sustainable success:

Create a well aligned team

Your team is your machinery to get things done. Get in the right talent and ensure that they are put where they can perform and achieve with the right skillsets needed. A positive attitude is a pre requisite. Ensure that you build the right and real team spirit that keeps them charged and motivated. The team must understand the purpose behind your goals and how they would need to contribute towards the final output.

Ensure that you are getting the right things done

Proper direction is critical. Therefore you first need to be clear about what you want done, when and why. As the leader you need to ensure that the task priorities are properly communicated and recommunicated. In the ever changing world today, you need to ensure that any change of direction is well explained and understood. One of the biggest problems in leadership communication is that we communicate but rarely check if we are understood.

Develop an environment of deep focus

Great minds thrive in a great environment. Deep focus does not mean a classroom of seriousness. Positivity comes from a fun environment where your team enjoys what they do. Meeting deadlines with excellence is celebrated. This all begins by identifying your organisation culture and bringing in talent who would fit in easily into the culture and bring out their best version. Overshadow negative stress with positive stress, get them into a flow state.

Leverage time and energy productively

Deep focus further multiplies when there are realistic deadlines backed by enthusiasm and energy. While motivation and naturally passionate team members are self-drivers, the leader needs to be sensitive to pick up falling levels of energy. Ensure breaks including even quick exercises to keep high energies and consistent freshness with your own self but also with your team members. Keep one eye always on the clock to meet set deadlines

Drive a completion culture

An aligned rationale on goal achievement in your team should take you forward in the environment of deep focus and high quality deliveries. However, the human brain gets easily distracted. Often the main reason for these reasons are beyond the work environment. Could be a domestic exigency the previous night or a hurtful incident? Or it could just be a health problem. Ensure that you are sensitive enough to pick this up. Create a completion culture where like in a flock of geese if the leader is sick, the next one takes over.

Well done is much greater than well said. Strategies are but thoughts. Strategic execution requires the formidable ‘Getting things done’ mindset. Adopt this powerful mindset and stay ahead always!

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done’ Nelson Mandela

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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