The Millennial Mindset

Human evolution is a reality. Look at the way mankind has developed over the centuries. All communicators need to keep their critical influencer set – the millennials and their mindset at the fore during strategy creation. Millennials think differently and have a separate bent of mind. They consume communications voraciously and interpret it differently. They are now living in their youth, finishing their education or even working as interns in leading organisations. They are the future customers and will be decision-makers in the coming years. And now there is another emerging generation the Generation Z. Of course, their definition of life has undergone a drastic change with the pandemic. Today’s new certainty is ‘uncertainty’. How do we appeal to the Millennial mindset and get them to consume and react positively to our communication initiatives?

The Millennial cares about what your business does for Social Impact

The values that the earlier generation had are different as compared to Millennials. They care for society and are socially conscious about all aspects of life. They are concerned about how a company spends their money, how they make their product and sell it. And of course how the business gives back to society. They have independent thinking minds and are very aware of what is right and what is wrong. An effective communications strategy has to take into cognizance how the company does its business ethically and puts social cause and community well-being at the very center of their business.

Millennials are transparent

Millennials are straightforward and appreciate frank opinions, feedback, and the truth however good or bad it is. In their mind transparency builds brand trust. They look forward to clearing communication and de-code the communication themselves. Impactful communication with them has to be straightforward with clear cut messaging. Millennials dislike ambiguity. The more we try to add a layer of fuzz to hide our wrongs or to exaggerate our claims, the more we are cutting the branch of a tree that we sit on. They form impressions and perceptions very quickly. And as we all know, a negative perception takes huge efforts to correct.

For Millennials, digital communication and social media are a way of life

Millennials rely heavily on digital communication. For them, newspapers, magazines, or TV news have almost become extinct. The smartphone is their go-to buddy for anything. Social media has become a major medium of communication for them today. Communicators will have to bolster their digital communication big time to be more effective. PR has transitioned from one-way communication to two-way communication. The tone of messaging will need to change from traditional and placid to newage and vibrant. Communications will need to be terse and to the point. Not verbose and definitely toned down in its self-praise.

Communicate and keep communicating

Internal communications need to be strong if you need Millennials on your side. One of the quickest ways to engage millennial workers is through the use of concise and clear micro messages about company direction and progress. Don’t shy away from direct and transparent communications that drive away ambiguity, but remember to keep it baloney-free. Remember that no news is not better than bad news with many in the millennial generation. Ensure that your Millennial worker continuously buys into your strategies, new products, and services. Many organisations inform their employees before any news goes out externally. This way you build your team of Millennial Brand Ambassadors to create a future fit organisation.

Millennials are comfortable with uncertainty and change. All the more now they have accepted it as a way of life. But they like to be kept updated with facts constantly as they are hungry to learn and reboot to survive. So instead of press releases that go now more often to the junk folder, keep communicating to your millennial mindset regularly but with credible and precise communication

An interesting quote to end this column today “I am a Millennial which means whatever you say or do to me is always on record!”

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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