The realistic positivity mindset

Seeing the glass half full when it really is, comes from having a realistic positivity mindset. A positivity mindset often is loaded with just optimism and hope and sometimes is just about creating positive energy and willingness. Yes this surely helps in generating an environment of motivation and hope. But actually one needs to fly with positivity at a slightly higher attitude. The positive will to do something must be backed with a balanced appraisal of reality and the positive opportunities that can be taken ahead from there. Also turning of threats into opportunities and weaknesses into strengths.

Positivity is a great differentiator, especially in the world we live in today. Being positive is also just not about smiling all the time, it’s about being positive while approaching life itself and its various aspects including work approach, challenges, negativity or even failure. Realistic positivity needs you to make positive thinking a second nature of yours. Positivity is also an infectious attitude. It rubs off fast on the people you are with and makes a big difference in your working environment. Teams start wanting to work with you and you have friends abound.

Here are some simple ways to evolve into a realistic positive mindset:

Learn to react with realistic positivity

We all know that our attitude is reflected in how we react to situations and developments. Keep your realistic positivity at the fore as the journey of life takes you by your work, situation, challenges and results of your efforts. Even if you fail in what you do, take it as a lesson learnt and ensure that you do not repeat your mistakes again. Maybe you do it already but the difference here is not to let the disappointment of failure overwhelm your senses. Any extreme emotion derails us. Also pause to look at everything you did right in that failure and keep building on these as your strengths.

Develop an attitude of gratitude

Being grateful is a nuclear fuel for positivity. If you do not notice the things that are going well in your life and are grateful, you only tend to look at the things that are not going right and create bitterness in your system and self. Gratitude as an attitude also helps you develop humility, which is a very important quality to help you achieve sustainable success. Just performing simple acts of daily gratitude can have a positive impact on your mental health. Start writing a gratitude journal which is a wonderful mirror for you to see how far you have come. This small daily act can really prove to be a stress buster.

Enabling positivity with well being

Create a realistic positivity mindset by boosting and enablement of your existing positivity with wellbeing. These are easy to do and include many actions in your day to day life. Keep good physical and mental health, to start with. Eat right, meditate and exercise. Create your ‘me time’, to think about life. Your achievements and dreams. Also to enjoy yourself, doing what you like to do. Learn a new skill or try out a new hobby. Get a good night’s sleep, very critical from every point of view. Create a sense of relaxed awareness, learn the beauty of calm. Be open to being connected to other human beings.

See things as they are

We are actually naturally wired to see things as we want to see them, not as they really are. This wiring creates perception illusions which create wrong judgements and therefore ill-fated consequences in our life. We must rewire ourselves to see things as they really are. Therefore develop an outlook of unbiased comprehension of developments and especially work in the progress. Actually the best place to begin is with an audit of our own capabilities and attitudes. This is where it all begins because we tend to believe that we are the best. It realistic positivity that actually helps us evolve to becoming our best version!

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” John Wooden

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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