The Successful Mindset

Change is the only constant. A new sun rises every day and another new journey of life begins with hope. For many it’s a new beginning, for others it’s a continuation of the previous day with unsolved problems and unattained goals. At the end of the day as dusk melts into night, humankind settle down and get ready for the next day. Very often, what we anticipated would be a barrier, does not happen to come our way. Sometimes we gain the unexpected. Some win a lottery! Some loose a loved one. Somewhere a new child is born; but the cycle of life keeps moving. Time ticks by and the world keeps pushing ahead. In this melee and chaos of 24 hours of work and life there are changing expectations, changing perceptions and ambitions that need to be achieved and desires that need to be satisfied. There are learnings and there are goals. There are changes and emerging opportunities. What is our guiding light through our day of work? A mindset which motivates you to keep your goals in the forefront despite changes or impediments. A mindset which promotes tenacity, focus and optimism. A ‘Successful Mindset’!

Demystifying a ‘Successful Mindset’

As we have read in this column, there are various kinds of mindsets. As you know, mindset is basically how your mind is wired to handle different situations in life and work. A ‘Successful Mindset’ basically comes from a belief that you can achieve what you want to a despite any hurdles and unanticipated obstacles. You therefore become agile, nimble and single focused in your approach and literally do what you can- use your talent to its optimum, stretch yourself to the maximum, and pivot in a way that you are successful. A ‘successful mindset’ motivates you to achieve your goals but also becomes a winning leadership trait. Teams lean on you to lead the way; they know you will take them to their goals and beyond because you infuse ability, determination and energy in them. You are wired to win. You have developed a natural ability to be successful!

How do you transform to a ‘Successful Mindset’?

Decide to transform- Transformation needs the will to change and efforts to make this change in you like forming habits. This requires focus, determination and ensuring real and measurable change. Do not rush to do it all at once. You need to analyse your inbuilt mindset. Do you have a successful mindset? What are your gaps? Where do you want to reach?

Define what’s a successful mindset for you- You need to really write this all down. Identify a mentor who becomes a catalyst to make your transformation happen. Share very openly the challenges you need to overcome and your existing abilities you need to hone into. Once you have defined what’s a successful mindset that you need to have, it all gets much easier

Qualities for a successful mindset- The biggest quality is empathy. The ability to be able to see life through the shoes of another person. Its critical to be able to empathise and therefore connect and succeed. Everyone is born with this quality to understand others. We just don’t use it enough. Another important quality is positivity, the ability to naturally see the glass half full than the glass half empty, it’s not false optimism but the ability to look at real opportunities rather than being weighed down by negativity. It’s also about risk taking abilities. Not just a blind leap of faith but a well thought out, well calculated leap. Finally the quality of self confidence to boost your abilities naturally and being single minded about achieving your goals and objectives.

While these are some of the tenets of developing a ‘Successful Mindset’ your own hard work, talents and abilities are prerequisites. This mindset is but an effective accelerator.

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day” Jim Rohn

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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