Unlock to Thrive: Discover and Reset

The Purpose Room is super thrilled to announce the launch of our first in person Purposeful leadership programme for women leaders ‘Unlock to Thrive: Discover and Reset’ on 1st and
2nd December 2023 in Gurugram, India.

We designed the programme in response to the glaring lack of progress for women leaders in India and across the world. It is an ambitious aspiration, but one that we are committed to. We
cannot change the world, but we do have the power to enable and influence pockets of change by empowering women to take charge of their leadership journey. And we believe the time is

Advocates and ally’s have been talking about representation, about women in leadership for decades now, so why are women not advancing to leadership positions? Progress, has been frustratingly slow globally, with women holding just a third of entry-level managerial roles as compared to men. In 2022, in India, there were just 4.7 percent female CEOs – the number was marginally better than 2018 when it was just 3.4 percent. A report from earlier in the year states that there is only one woman in a leadership team of 10.

So, what ails women leaders or aspiring women leaders? Is there a shortage of talent, women who can occupy a seat at the table? Not quite…. So, what are the issues that are creating barrier to
women advancing. Quite a few things actually…

The reality is that (across the world/India) women struggle to navigate the path to leadership or the C-suite and the broken rung and leaky pipeline are often blamed for the lack of progress. Not
to be discounted is the burden of domestic and caregiving responsibilities, the lack of confidence, the absence of mentors/sponsors, and negligible organisational support for women at different
life stages (of which there are numerous).

There is another key barrier to women’s leadership journey. The Elephant in the Room here is that more often than not women lack the agency to take charge of their career progression or speak for themselves. It is the unfortunate truth, that women across the world and in India, spend far too little or no time in thinking, planning or preparing for the impact of life stages on their careers. That is not to say that women do not aspire for a career and financial freedom – they do, it is often a non-negotiable. In India, they demand too much of themselves, there is pressure(often self-inflicted) to be the ideal partner, wife, carer, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, friend etc. With all of these claims on their mind space, time and attention – the inclination or energy to channel for personal/professional growth is stymied.

Once on the career conveyor belt, except for a few, most women allow major life events, to shape
their journey. They believe in maintaining status quo, are not keen on disruptions or conflicts, do not want to carve time for personal learning & development and readily step back or down after
the birth of a child or when caring for an elderly or dependent. So, they are ill prepared to withstand challenging circumstances or take advantage of the opportunities that may come their

While we wait for a world where organisations have equity & inclusion embedded in how they conduct themselves and their business – With the Unlock to Thrive: Rediscover and Reset
programme, at The Purpose Room we are determined to help change the narrative, to enable more women to be more intentional about their personal and professional journey. The Purposeful
leadership programme is about being conversant with your intersectionalities and life stages, discovering your authentic self and defining your own path to leadership.”

We have a fantastic group of facilitators who will support women on this journey including @Maya Sadasivan, @Lata Dhir, @Mohana Talapatra and moi – with over 120 yrs of experience between us. So if you are looking to rediscover and reset before the start of the new year, be more intentional about your personal and professional priorities, figure out if you really need a true north, be
comfortable with your authentic self – register your interest in the link below. We are offering a special 35% discount for all registrations through our partners at Reputation Today


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