Woman, it is your time to shine!

Having interacted with various women across industries, sectors, and designations, the one recurring theme that stands out is – women need to up their game when it comes to networking!

Is that not paradoxical though?

It is women who are better at managing finances. They are born planners. Project management is often child’s play to them. They are good at stakeholder engagement (read families, extended relatives, neighbors, children,…). Yet, the consensus out there is that they do not network.

May be the word should not be network. But more on making themselves visible. Be seen and be heard.

Sharing a few thoughts on how women can be seen and heard more.

Position yourself

The art of branding oneself begins with understanding of the self. What you want to do. What you want to be known for. Do you see yourself as a specialist or as a generalist?

As communicators, positioning and crafting the right narrative is in our blood. How about translating that in your personal branding? As for what is your personal brand, just turn around and ask your family and friends! They will tell you what you stand for!

Work on articulating your views. Check the alignment of the work you are doing with your own values. Are you inching towards what you have always aspired for? Does your social media presence reflect your personal brand? If not, start to work on your online presence right now. Just remember to be yourself. Be real and authentic.

Unleash your potential

It is well known that human beings do not always use their brain to its fullest potential. There is a lot to stretch and bend over. Exercising your brain is as important as exercising your body. Challenging your brain to find unorthodox solutions, unleashing your potential to challenge assumptions, taking risks into the unknown – these are excellent ways to expand your brain’s thinking and resources.

Acknowledge your problems

Half your problems get solved the moment you acknowledge that there is a problem! It is not easy to celebrate failures. But it can be done. Make transparency your hallmark and be open to picking up learnings from situations that have gone awry.

Upskill yourself

Upskilling need not be restricted to your domain. You could pick up a new competency and hone your way in it. Learn to acquire knowledge across fields. Assume that you can do only one course – which one would it be? What would you pick up and why?

Remember, you are not expected to know everything about everything. When you show up as a learner, you exude the confidence to jump into the unknown and figure out solutions.

Express your views

Be fearless in expressing your views. Most importantly, in putting across that point of dissent where it is required. Use your ability to be discerning and form your own opinions. By cultivating a high sense of what is right and wrong, you will be able to carve out a unique identity for yourself.

Be agile

Life is not always a straight line. Curves have a tendency to leap across suddenly. Being resilient towards change will provide you with a kind of agility that will have you adapt to any kind of situation.

Be part of a community

If you are a communicator, I am sure you are part of the Indian Corporate Communicators Group (ICG). Being part of your tribe is a great way to stay connected with your skills. Communities also offer unconditional support when caught in extricate situations. Meet your fellow colleagues. Share experiences and learn from one another.

Stop beating yourself up

Let go of the negatives. Be kind to yourself and accept failures as part and parcel of life. You are not the only one going through a rough patch. The kinder you are to yourself, the more kind you will be towards others. And kindness, has a way of coming around.

Woman, 2024 is your year. Get up, go out there, and shine!

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Sarita Bahl
Country Group Head CSR at Bayer - South Asia
Sarita Bahl leads the Corporate Social Responsibility function for Bayer South Asia and is also the Director – Bayer Prayas Association. Prior to this, she successfully oversaw the communications and public affairs function for Bayer South Asia. Over her three decades of professional experience, Sarita has held multiple roles across diverse industries, public sector, trade associations, MNCs and the Not-for-profit sector. An alumnus of Tata Institute of Social Science and the Swedish Institute of Management Program, Sarita specializes in stakeholder engagement, sustainability and communications. She is passionate about animals (is mother to a female cat), books and movies.

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