Just take a look around you wherever you are in this world.
In most cases you will see beacons of unhappiness. People in fancy big cars who look grim. Customers coming out of shopping malls carrying many plastic bags full of branded goodies with glum faces. Go to a movie hall when a popular movie has just got over and watch the audience coming out of the theatres into the harsh reality of life, checking their mobiles and grimacing. Ever spot a happy human being? Well even a decade ago it was easier to spot one.
Unfortunately, with the increase of human materialism and erosion of life values, happiness has moved into the wings of the theatre of life. The world has become exceedingly competitive, leisure time has shrunk drastically and the stress of wanting more and surviving has taken centre seat. The human body lets out signs of your state of mind through your attitude or mindset. Which is why you see people grim, toxic and robotic in today’s world. Yet people with a ‘Happy Mindset’ light up the world with their high energy positivity, cheer and brightness. Some people are born happy because of their genes but you can also evolve to a ‘Happy Mindset’. Here are 3 easy hacks that can help you in your mindset evolution
Learn to be a happy person
Nobody is born with a magic wand which you wave and all your wishes come true. We are all born with multiple desires and wishes, to gain something, to do something. Our life is a learning curve of successes and failures. Learn to be happy with what you have. This is the most important step that you can take towards being happy. Often our wants are bigger than our needs and our desires become an obsession. The more we expect out of life, the more we get disappointed and therefore makes us unhappy. Ambition and drive are essential parts of human nature, as long as they do not rule your life. Enjoy the journey while you get to your destination. Be happy with small things. Big things will take care of themselves.
Find out what makes you happy
Happiness is so sought after today that there are ‘Happiness Consultants’ a new breed of professionals who help you chart out your happiness therapy. And the first step they ask you to take is to do a deep analysis of what makes you happy. Some start this analysis the other way around. They ask you to write down what makes you unhappy and then work with you to eliminate these unhappiness factors from your life. Once you know what really makes you happy, you need to create happiness goals and an action plan to achieve them. Do filter out what is possible before you start working towards your happiness goals. Start with the low hanging fruits first and start enjoying the small doses of happiness first.
Manage your expectations
Most frustrations and disappointments in life come from false expectations. We expect much from life itself and from our friends and loved ones. Always remember, luck comes when preparation meets opportunity. Success comes from the elbow grease you put into your profession. There is no guarantee for continued success. Similarly avoid emotional debt by over expecting from your relationships. Learn to forgive and forget. Better expectation management leads to less disappointments and heartburns and therefore a lower degree of unhappiness. Expect the bare minimum and be delighted when you get more than you expected. Become a happier person. Happiness is not a destination. It’s a way of life.
Contrary to what many believe, money is not the cornerstone of happiness. There are many wealthy individuals who seek help from ‘Happiness professionals. Yes, in today’s world money is essential to live life well. Love, laughter, positivity and wellness however cannot be bought with money alone!
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”- ― Mahatma Gandhi
The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.
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