From Juggler to Leader: The Rising Importance of Communicators in a Volatile World

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, corporate communicators play a vital role – in shaping and maintaining a company’s culture. What should modern communicators do? They must be adaptable, agile & empathetic to engage employees across departments and levels. And it must be effectively done – so that communicators can foster open dialogue, encourage feedback and lead by example. They must also stay attuned to changing employee needs, concerns, and values to drive authentic culture building. By embracing this evolving role, communicators can indeed bridge gaps, build trust & also  propel organisational growth.

At PRAXIS11, Anita Gupta, SVP & Strategic Communications Advisor at DHL Group, delivered a powerful session on – “The Evolving Role of Communicators in Corporate Culture Building”. Joined by Sonya Madeira from Rice Communications for a riveting conversation, Gupta dived deep into putting the spotlight on the fact that communication is no longer just about sharing information, but it is quite rightly about shaping change in an increasingly volatile world.

This is one of the most critical topics for CEOs because we live in a volatile world, she said and emphasised that her talk will deal with ‘building culture’. “Communication is not about sharing information, it is about influencing and shaping the change,” she said, as she set the talk rolling.

Building Culture in a Volatile World

“Culture is not a Code of Ethics, it’s the stark reality that either includes or ejects you from an organisation,” Anita emphasised, citing Peter Drucker’s famous quote –  “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. She explored how culture, much like Durga Puja in Bengal binds communities, unites corporations & also creates a sense of belonging.

Communicators today, she noted, are seen as essential to shaping this dynamic culture, especially in industries like tech, where culture needs constant adaptation.

What are the learnings? There should a strategic mindset, flexibility is key and measurement is critical.

Key Focus Areas: Culture, Counter-Culture & Communication

Anita highlighted three pivotal areas for communicators to focus on: the fundamentals of Culture – the shared values that bind an organisation; Counter-Culture including navigating opposing forces and societal shifts, and the Evolving Role of Communication – moving from top-down communication to a more fluid, adaptive approach in a volatile, uncertain world.

In today’s complex environment, she said, communicators are expected to be ‘jugglers’, balancing global trends like – digital transformation, sustainability and globalisation. The key takeaway? A strategic mindset, senior leadership involvement, flexibility and the ability to measure impact – are all critical for success.

Communicators: The Leaders of Social Change

In her conversation with Sonya Madeira, Anita discussed how communicators must embrace their role as “leaders of social change.” Reflecting on the tragic case of Anna Sebastian Perayil, a young professional who passed away after joining the consulting firm Ernst & Young, Anita pointed out the critical need for companies to take more “fact-based approaches” when addressing workplace challenges.

The conversation also touched on the prevalence of the ‘yes’ culture in corporate environments. Urging communicators to develop diplomacy and interpersonal skills to thrive in today’s world, Anita stressed – “Your career is made or broken by who you work for. Her parting shot was a rallying cry: “No one empowers us – you need to empower yourself!”

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

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Shree Lahiri
Shree is the Senior Editor at Reputation Today and hopes to move from one focus area to another in the editions that will be released this year. Having worked in Corporate Communications teams, she has experience of advertising, public relations, investor and employee communications, after which she moved to the other side – journalism. She enjoys writing and believes the power of the pen is indeed mighty. Covering the entertainment beat and the media business, she has been involved in a wide range of activities that have thrown open storytelling opportunities.

She can be reached at: @shree_la on twitter

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