AI in PR: How Indian PR Consultancies Are Using Tech to Craft Smarter Campaigns

Imagine you’re enjoying a cup of chai at your usual roadside spot joint, and suddenly, a shiny robot rolls up before spilling the latest Bollywood gossip. Sounds like a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie, right? Well, welcome to the brave new world of PR in India, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaking things up faster than the chaos of a Delhi traffic jam.

Gone are the days when PR meant wining and dining journalists or issuing run-of-the-mill press releases. Today, AI is revolutionising the PR world. Picture media outreach managed by automation and PR campaigns curated using data analytics. This isn’t some far-off fantasy—it’s the cutting-edge reality for many PR consultancies across India.

Take Adfactors PR, for example. As India’s leading Public Relations firm, they’ve embraced AI like a master strategist. In a groundbreaking initiative in 2023, Adfactors PR trained over 1,000 employees in ChatGPT and other AI tools relevant to research, analytics, and content creation. This extensive training, completed in just 45 days across Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru, is a first-of-its-kind initiative in the region, empowering their team to harness AI in everyday PR consulting.

This is just one way AI is being woven into the fabric of PR. Imagine AI bots tirelessly scanning the vast ocean of online content for mentions of clients. These bots don’t just find where a brand is being talked about; they analyse the sentiment behind those mentions. Is the buzz positive, negative, or neutral? AI delivers these insights in real time, enabling PR pros to respond with strategies as sharp as a Mumbai monsoon.

But AI isn’t just about monitoring; it’s also about predicting. AI tools can now analyse past campaigns with razor-sharp precision, identifying what worked and what didn’t. Imagine launching a campaign knowing which platforms, keywords, and even times of day are most likely to generate buzz. That’s the power of AI—turning PR from an art into a science.

AI-driven content creation is another game-changer. Tools like Wordsmith and Articoolo are helping PR consultancies draft press releases, social media posts, and even blog articles. While these tools may not yet match the creativity of a seasoned writer, they’re getting impressively close—and they can churn out content faster than you can say “trending hashtag.”

However, human PR professionals shouldn’t worry about being replaced just yet. AI might excel at data and automation, but it still lacks the creativity, empathy, and storytelling finesse that only humans can provide. AI can suggest keywords, but it can’t craft a narrative that makes people laugh, cry, or share a post. It’s like asking a robot to write poetry—it might get the structure right, but the soul? Not so much.

In India, where storytelling is as integral to the culture as chai and cricket, the human touch can’t be replaced. Yes, AI can analyse data and predict trends, but it takes a human mind to craft stories that resonate with Indian audiences’ emotions, values, and quirks. Just look at Zomato, whose witty tweets and tongue-in-cheek Instagram posts have made them a social media darling. No robot could have come up with their viral “Food has no religion. It is a religion” tweet in 2019.

So, what’s next for AI in Indian PR? It’s all about collaboration. Think of AI as the ultimate assistant—brilliant at crunching numbers, mining data, and generating content, but still needing a human to guide it. The most successful PR campaigns will be those where AI and human creativity work is in tandem, crafting strategies that are not only smart but also deeply human. Going forward, embrace the bots, but keep your creativity sharp—because the future of PR in India is a blend of both brains and bytes.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Prasad Ramasubramanian
Prasad Ramasubramanian is the PR and Communications Manager at Veranda Learning Solutions, a renowned listed enterprise specializing in comprehensive education solutions. With an impressive career spanning over 19 years, Prasad is a seasoned communications professional with a wealth of experience in diverse media sectors.
Before joining Veranda Learning Solutions, Prasad held senior positions at esteemed organizations such as Times of India, CyberMedia, and Deccan Chronicle. His extensive background in the media industry has equipped him with a profound understanding of various facets, contributing to his effectiveness in shaping and executing strategic communication initiatives.

Prasad's strategic approach to communication has played a pivotal role in enhancing the visibility and reputation of the organizations he has been associated with. His proven track record in managing communications for listed enterprises and leading media outlets underscores his expertise in navigating the dynamic landscape of the education sector.

At Veranda Learning Solutions, Prasad continues to bring his wealth of experience and insights to drive impactful communication strategies, further solidifying the company's position as a key player in the education space.

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