Articles by Pooja Nair


We have come a long way since companies discouraged employees from engaging for monetary remuneration anywhere else in any capacity – even if it was…

AEO And The New Ask

Back in 2016 while on holiday with my cousin in Paris, she faced the familiar conundrum of not knowing what to wear for the day….

Digitising Scent

Artificial intelligence can recognise and generate images. It can also understand and respond in voice. Why stop there? Now AI is learning to recognise smells…

Mass Manufactured Fame

To be rich and famous are arguably the most fundamental of human desires – serving as the north-stars for everything we do throughout our lives,…

Business for good

Do you remember the famous ‘sell me this pen’ scene from the 2013 film, ‘ The Wolf of Wall Street’? Not shockingly, the protagonist is…

Audio to the rescue

Why are attention spans diminishing? If you say, “too many distractions”, well you are right. But, let’s dig a bit more. Why do we allow…

Brands and Counterculture

Counterculture is the term given to the culture of rejecting or questioning dominant norms and conventions for value systems that seem completely radical and scandalous….

Smart and smarter

Have you ever been curious about how intelligent you are and how your intelligence compares with others around you? Have you lamented at having to…