Culture, Creativity & Risk: How Priya Paul Redefined Hospitality

PRAXIS11, the much-awaited ‘Maha Kumbh Mela’ of the PR Industry, took off soaring to new heights on September 20, 2024. It was built around a fitting theme: “Back to Basics: Culture, Community & Creativity”.  And who could be better than  Priya Paul, the Chairperson and Executive Director of Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels to define it in her unique way? In the spotlight, she carefully highlighted the impact of culture, community & creativity on an organisation’s success.

Priya Paul took centre-stage with her signature blend of wisdom and enthusiasm, diving into the theme that clearly resonated with her. She opened up about her journey – one that began in 1988 without any formal background in hospitality. Yet, it was this lack of convention that gave her the edge. “When it comes to business problems, always ask – ‘Isn’t there another way to do it?’” she emphasised.

Breaking the Mould: Priya Paul’s Bold Vision for Business Success

Her bold thinking was the driving force behind Park Hotels’ massive success. And in the 90s, even with tight budgets, Priya’s solution was simple but effective: use PR communications to create a “buzz”! Whether it was launching fashion shows or opening the iconic “Some Place Else” nightclub in Kolkata – Priya’s approach was about creating spaces where people wanted to hang out. “Leadership through differentiation,” she called it. By 1994, Park Hotels was not just a place to stay – it was an ‘experience’.

“As a family we decided it was tourism and hospitality that we wanted to invest in,” she explained, and added that “in the 2000s they redefined our brand architecture” There’s a story for each hotel which is unique to them and they had coined the phrase – “anything but ordinary”. After moving ahead and creating a new brand Zone and Zen Connect, they really forged ahead.

Creativity is in Our DNA

In conversation with Neha Mehrotra, Managing Director at AvianWE, Priya took the audience through Park Hotels’ evolution, detailing how creativity and culture are woven into their very foundation. “Every property has a story, and storytelling is key to what we do,” Priya revealed, pointing out that each hotel offers a unique, one-of-a-kind experience that sets it apart. Their brand promise? “Anything but ordinary.”

Interestingly, it wasn’t just about lavish design or luxe amenities. Priya shared how they toil & work hard to foster a culture of innovation within their team – constantly encouraging people to take risks. “We want people to be innovative and take risks. That’s embedded in our culture code,” she said. And it’s this commitment to creative risk-taking that has not only shaped the company’s internal culture but also cemented its reputation as a leader in hospitality.

The Courage to Think Boldly

Neha couldn’t help but ask, “Where do you find the courage to think so boldly?” With a smile, Priya reflected on her journey, explaining that curiosity and a fearless approach to new ideas had been her guiding light. “Sometimes the mantra ‘less budget but powerful ideas’ works out magically,” she said, underscoring how powerful ideas often don’t need huge budgets to make a lasting impact.

Priya also spoke passionately about how important it is to support women in business, encouraging women to “work with those less fortunate” and advocating for more collaboration in the industry. “Work hard, play hard,” she said, when asked about her success mantra – an ethos she clearly embodies in her daily life.

Looking Ahead: More Than Just Hotels

Before wrapping up, Neha threw in a fun question: If Priya hadn’t entered the world of hospitality, what would she have done? “I’d be a chef!” Priya confessed with a grin. It was a perfect note to end on, illustrating once again how Priya Paul’s approach, whether in the kitchen or the boardroom, is actually all about creativity, curiosity and “breaking the mould”.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

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Shree Lahiri
Shree is the Senior Editor at Reputation Today and hopes to move from one focus area to another in the editions that will be released this year. Having worked in Corporate Communications teams, she has experience of advertising, public relations, investor and employee communications, after which she moved to the other side – journalism. She enjoys writing and believes the power of the pen is indeed mighty. Covering the entertainment beat and the media business, she has been involved in a wide range of activities that have thrown open storytelling opportunities.

She can be reached at: @shree_la on twitter

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