Daily just noticeable defects – A short story

Imagine you are watching television with your spouse, but the volume is too low to hear. You ask your spouse to turn it up.  The volume button is pressed twice but you still cannot tell a difference in the volume. Your spouse presses the button two more times before you are able to notice the increase in volume. This just noticeable difference applies to a wide variety of senses including touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. It can apply to things such as brightness, sweetness, weight, pressure, and noisiness and most importantly, the quality of the lives we lead daily.

I have heard the ‘grand’ people (grand-dad, grand-mom) say- the quality of steel, iron or wood used in the almirahs, cars, home products used to be much higher in quality. I can say this for myself because in my pushtaini makaan, we still have a brown steel almirah made by Godrej. I am seeing that from childhood, so I am sure, it must be more than forty years old. Till date, it is intact, no rust, no dent, nothing. My mom-in-law’s father used to play soccer and was also the referee in the team. He was going through her old trunk and found out a ‘whistle ‘that he used! When she showed it to me, I was like “This is antique! And look at the quality of the iron!” Yes, it was made of iron. I bet that quality of iron items we do not get anymore. Also, remember the Maruti 800 when it launched in the Eighties?  You know what I mean right?

The Vintage Iron Whistle

This is exactly what happens in our lives as every day we may not be able to focus the way we should be or the extent that we can. Here I am sharing 3 practices that has worked for me to recognise my JND and work towards filling the gaps.

Logical Consciousness

Taking just few mins every day (I do this usually every morning for 15 mins). This is where I contemplate about my previous day, what could I have done better, how better could I made a conversation impactful, how could I have approached a problem better, my behaviour and empathy during the day, my energy and motivation, did I learn anything small or big, did I procrastinate on any task, did I keep up to my commitments for that day, did I missed to reply or call back someone , was I relevant and yes…did I make someone laugh. I call this logical consciousness because I logic it out with myself as my own critic. I reflect and this sets me up for the new day.


A dangerous one if not paid attention and if the signals are not understood. It is given that all growth happens outside of comfort zone. Body and mind respond to situations as we train them. With age, we need to work on it more because our natural metabolism tends to go down, our ability to learning goes down and we tend to not define our sense of success, but we keep moving on. It is good to move on but one that we can measure and that we can say is adding to our growth. If not anything, a quarterly self-SWOT analysis helps deeply to avoid the JND within us because it is just-noticeable (what I understand, ideally connotes may not be even noticeable!)

Be your own volunteer

Everyone is probably going through their own share of pain. In business, try and understand perspectives, respect opinions and do what is best for the business vision and goals first. In short, be your own volunteer of improving your work, improving business and improving yourself. I always say that in order to be a good leader one needs to be a good follower as well.

For working professionals this may even more be helpful due to the dynamic work environment and pressures, something we may be aware of but probably do not recognise its importance in shaping up daily moments for working professionals. To summarise, small things such as being our own volunteer to recognising the signals of getting too comfortable and being cognisant of micro improvements of deterioration in our daily lives will work as an umbrella to protect us from stress factors.

Dr. Ankoor Dasguupta
Dr. Ankoor Dasguupta, President’s Select Member of Leaders Excellence [MLE] at Harvard Square, is a prominent figure in the industry, serves as a mentor, advisor, and speaker at the Indian Institute of Film Training & Digital Marketing (IFTDM). Holding a significant role on the Advisory Board of the Marketing Department at ISBR Business School, Ankoor is also on the Advisory Board of Global Mathematics & Mathematics Olympiad Graded Assessment Test with Competition. Ankoor is also an empanelled Speaker at SpeakIn which also runs the Indian Speaker Bureau.

Extending beyond academia; Ankoor has been honoured with the "CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE 2024" award by Passion Vista and recognized as the "MAN OF EXCELLENCE, 2024" by the prestigious Indian Achievers' Award. Additionally, he received the "LEADER 2.0 AWARD, 2023" from adgully and was named a "DIGITAL KAIZEN LEADER by DigiAdCon 2024”, Dr. Dasguupta's contributions to the field of marketing are widely acclaimed, marking him as an inspiring thought leader in his domain. Ankoor is also a member of IMA India’s CMO Forum.

Most recently Dr. Dasguupta has been selected and felicitated with the national level award -Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Inspiration Award 2024 in the category Youth Icon of the Year.

Dr. Dasguupta is a key member of the esteemed International CMO Council and keeps delivering lectures at top Business Schools and also colleges at University of Delhi. As an industry expert, Ankoor has also been a member of the interview panel at MICA for their PGP Group Exercise & Personal Interview PI process for PGDM-C/PGDM selection for two consecutive years. Dr. Dasguupta is also on the Advisory Board of the Marketing Department at ISBR Business School, Bangalore. Recognized by DMA Asia as a marketing Ace, Dr. Dasguupta is a LinkedIn Top Voice, advocate of social impact, driven by kaizen, Ankoor believes in the power of Energy and Energize

Dr. Ankoor is practicing his PCC (Level 2) coaching from the gold standard International Coaching Federation [ICF]. He is a people's person and has worked across functions in senior leadership positions in marketing, advertising, media & communication with a pedigree of 24 years and ongoing exciting journey. Trained from Dale Carnegie in Mentoring to Develop Talent, Ankoor is a marketing practitioner, a coach, a knowledge manager, a team builder, a thought-leader, an avid writer with close to 100 published articles / interviews and is a Thought Leader. Dr.Ankoor wears the hat of a CMO as well. His leisure pursuits are reading, effective listening and percussion. Follow Dr. Ankoor Dasguupta on LinkedIn| https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankoordasguupta/

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