Does competition matter if the communication is right while building a brand?

Building a brand is no easy task in today’s times of hyper-availability of competitive products and services along with their hyperactive marketing and communications campaigns. Brand marketers and brand communicators today encounter a myriad of brands vying for the very same space in the minds of consumers that they would like their brand to occupy. These competitive brands pose a serious threat to the very existence of their brands and usually bombard the audience with heavy communication most of the time.

Having said this, it is also a reality that the majority of brands don’t succeed in reaching out there, striking the right chord in the minds of the consumers and therefore unable to occupy substantial space in the minds of their own constituencies. A brand is a promise led by trust among the consumers. Any brand communication is meant to develop, create, establish, reinforce, reiterate and enhance that trust among the consumer as per the promise of an experience that a brand makes. But we also know that most often it doesn’t happen that way and there’s a clear gap in what is communicated to the audience and what is understood by the audience.

Most often in order to become creative or different or unique for that matter brand communicators end up creating unfruitful communication that may be lacking the brand promise or brand differentiation or the brand value offered to the consumers. Communicating the consistent brand experience, showcasing the sustainable competitive advantage, creating a distinctive position through appropriate messaging, and addressing the reasons consumers would prefer the brand remains a key to stronger image for any brand in the minds of consumers.

Does your communication hold on and communicate the definite beliefs and values of your brand? Does it identify and relate well with the personality of the audience? Does it establish a connection with the audience that makes them keep thinking about the brand? Does your brand communication make enough impact that the audience keeps coming back to it again and again?  

Most of these questions addressed optimally in communication, any brand will ensure strong brand loyalty among consumers. Consumers will be to connect well with their brands irrespective of the size of the market, number of players jostling for the same space, quality of offerings by the competition, and the amount of time and money spent on communication campaigns by the competing brands for that matter.

Today, brands are just like human beings and therefore communication becomes key in the whole brand-audience relationship. We human beings happily associate with people who are honest and knowledgeable, people who believe in educating us and enriching our lives, and people who ensure spreading happiness and optimism. Almost all brands today share a relationship with their audience in a similar manner. If the communication to their audience not only provides information but also attempts to enrich their lives, the audience will simply be thrilled.

Brand communication today really has to be sufficiently engaging for the audience. A purposeful and healthy communication, a meaningful conversation, an engaging experience will always set apart a brand from its competitors. Whether it’s about image creation or development of the market or creating a differentiation, a well-engaging communication will always ensure that your brand stays far ahead of the competition in the mind space of consumers.

Audience loyalty towards any brand and establishing its lead, supremacy, authority, and command over the competition are easy to achieve, provided brand communication is just right. It will establish longevity in the brand-audience relation for a sustainable and longer period.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Praveen Nagda
Praveen Nagda is the CEO of Peregrine Public Relations, a full-service corporate communications and public relations consultancy firm delivering a pan-India reach to its clients. He also heads White Coffee, an independent events & celebrity engagement company.

Praveen has been closely associated with many national and international events related to cinema for children, art and culture. He has a well-rounded experience that cuts across all key sectors of PR & Corporate Communications.

He started his career with URJA Communications, an advertising agency specialising in technology brands, where he was instrumental in developing the PR division. Post this, he had a stint with Horizons Porter Novelli, a global public relations consultancy. Thereafter, he was heading the IT & Telecom division at Clea PR, a leading Indian public relations and communications company followed by a fairly long stint with Omnicom Group agencies viz. TBWA\India and Brodeur India.

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