Purposeful Influence for the Common Good – Making a Difference

We live in demanding times surrounded by global and regional issues that impact on us at a global, regional, national and local level.  This can range from AI advancements, economic downturn, environmental challenges, significant weather events causing havoc in our communities, to name a few.

So what is purposeful influence for the common good?  What can we do as public relations and communication managers to influence how our organisations make a difference?

Purposeful influence for the common good can be defined as the intentional use of actions, resources, or a platform, to positively impact society and create meaningful change for the broader community. This concept focuses on ethical leadership, social responsibility, and a commitment to a fair society.

In our role we can make a significant influence by creating calls to action and empowering people through information to be involved in a host of activities. A few examples of where PR can make a difference are discussed below.

We can promote ethical behaviour in what we do and what we encourage people to be involved with. A good starting point for pr and communication managers is to follow your country’s Code of Ethics. Through media (all forms) we can also hold people and organisation’s to account for their actions.

In our work we can raise awareness around important societal issues such as poverty, climate change, or human rights. Through our skills and expertise we can mobilise support and inspire action that leads to positive societal outcomes.

Trust and transparency is essential in all sectors of society. We can help build it through honest and transparent communication between an organisation and its key publics.

Most organisations are committed to different forms of Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives which can include environmental efforts, community-based activities, philanthropy, sustainability, or diversity and inclusion. These actions contribute to the public good by improving communities or addressing global challenges.

Through our relationships and professional networks we can ensure marginalised or underrepresented communities are seen and heard. This can be done through media activities, stakeholder engagement events and through the use of digital channels and social media. The flow on effect is that it creates more inclusive conversations and works toward equity for all.

We can create calls to action for communities to get involved with civil engagement through a variety of means. These can include encouraging people to vote at a national, regional or local level. It could be ensuring that information is available on national or local policies and how they affect communities. Alternatively it could be keeping people informed about what is happening in their communities and how to get involved.

We can always see the power of PR for the common good, even if we don’t necessarily know it is PR in action. Here are a few example of PR campaigns that have made a difference.

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign features real women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities in their ads and promotional materials. It promotes body positivity and self-esteem. This campaign is changing how society views beauty, encouraging a more realistic representation of women. It has also sparked conversations about the often unrealistic beauty standards set by media and fashion.

The UN’s “Act Now” campaign encourages people to take simple, actionable steps to fight climate change. It highlights ways to reduce food waste, save energy, and travel more sustainably.

#BlackLivesMatter campaign focuses on raising awareness about racial injustice, police brutality, and systemic racism. It has sparked global protests and discussions on these critical issues. The campaign has led to social change, pushing brands, celebrities, and governments to take a stand against racial inequality. It has also contributed to reforms in policing and increased efforts toward diversity and inclusion across various sectors.

We hold a privileged position as PR and Communication Managers because the skills and expertise we have developed in relationship management, ethical standards, and application of thought means we can be a Purposeful Influence for the Common Good  and make a difference. From 19-22 November the World Public Relations Forum in Bali will look to further explore this theme. I hope you will join us.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Fiona Cassidy
Fiona is a leader, connector, lifelong learner and Veteran. Fiona has held senior leadership, management and governance roles across the private and public sectors and has run her own small consultancy for many years. Fiona has served as both President and Chair of the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ), where she is also a Life Member and Fellow. Currently, she serves as the Chief Examiner for PRINZ’s Accreditation programme.

Fiona is passionate about lifelong learning, regularly presenting at forums worldwide and lecturing at University’s and learning institutions. She holds a Master in Business Studies (Communications Management) and a Master in Philosophy (International Relations and Defense Studies).

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