Scientific PR Data Analytics: The Catalyst for a Public ‘I DO’ from CXOs

In the realm of corporate and product brand building, the dynamic duo of advertising and public relations (PR) takes CenterStage as powerful communication tools. However, a subtle imbalance exists in how these tools are perceived and discussed by top-tier executives. CEOs and CMOs often lean heavily on advertising when discussing brand-building strategies, relegating the role of PR to the shadows. This oversight is not only a missed opportunity but also underscores a gap in recognising PR’s strategic significance in shaping brand narratives.

I believe that the only way CEOs and CMOs will publicly say “I DO” (make strategic use of Public Relations) is when we completely revamp the PR Measurement and Data Analytics framework currently available in the market. Showing or speaking the data language with the CEOs and CMOs will convince them of what and how the PR army can deliver.

A fresh and realistic PR Measurement & Data Analytics framework can address many of these blind spots:

  1. The Strategic Blindspot: One primary reason behind this discrepancy is the oversight in perceiving PR as a strategic tool. Often, PR is viewed through the lens of tactical execution rather than as a strategic linchpin in shaping brand perception and reputation. This skewed perspective limits its recognition as a key player in the brand-building arena.
  2. The Data Divide: CEOs and CMOs have traditionally lacked a comprehensive view of PR’s impact due to the dearth of advanced PR measurement and data analytics. The absence of a scientific equation linking PR inputs, outputs, and outcomes further perpetuates the underestimation of PR’s potential. This deficiency prevents leaders from fully comprehending PR’s true value and influence on brand development.

To bridge this gap and catalyse a transformation in how PR is perceived, a paradigm shift is essential. The industry must embark on a journey to redefine PR’s role, highlighting its strategic importance in corporate and product brand building. This transformation hinges on two fundamental pillars:

a) Strategic Integration: PR must shed its image as a peripheral player and ascend to the role of a strategic partner. CEOs and CMOs should recognise PR’s ability to shape narratives, manage crises, foster stakeholder engagement, and amplify brand values. By incorporating PR into the heart of brand-building discussions, a more holistic and effective approach can emerg

b) Data-Driven Enlightenment: The integration of advanced PR measurement and data analytics is paramount. CEOs and CMOs must be exposed to sophisticated tools that decipher the intricate equation of PR input, output, and outcome. This empirical evidence will unveil the tangible impact of PR on brand equity, perception, and bottom-line results, effectively illuminating its strategic prowess.

The current landscape of PR measurement metrics calls for a rejuvenation to align with the aspirations of CEOs and CMOs. Robust and sophisticated tools should be developed to present a clear, data-driven depiction of PR’s role in brand-building exercises. An advanced framework should facilitate the articulation of PR’s contribution in enhancing brand affinity, mitigating reputational risks, and fostering stakeholder trust.

This revamped PR measurement matrix will empower CEOs and CMOs to confidently proclaim, “I DO” utilise PR as an integral facet of their brand management endeavors. The equation will cease to be a mere conjecture and instead evolve into a tangible testament of PR’s strategic impact.

As corporate and product brand building marches forward in the digital age, the narrative must be redefined to encompass the strategic significance of public relations. The journey toward brand success is a harmonious symphony of advertising and PR, each playing a distinctive yet equally influential role. By acknowledging and embracing the strategic essence of PR, CEOs and CMOs can forge a new era of brand building, where data-driven insights illuminate the path to sustained brand excellence.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Siddhartha Mukherjee
Siddhartha is the founder of Brand Balance that helps the C-suite & CCO collective optimize its Brand Reputation Management ERPs (efforts, resources & processes) across stakeholders. His professional mission is to establish the Corporate Communications function as the only engine towards brand reputation and valuation success.

Before setting up Brand Balance, a neutral organization, his past 23 years of holistic learning curve includes leadership roles across all the three sides of the industry – corporate communications, communications firms and as a business head of a brand data analytics, audit, research & measurement global behemoth. During spare time, he bikes across the Indian highways, writes articles, consults students & professionals and teaches at media and business schools.

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