The Sound of PR: How Podcasts are Becoming the New Press Release

Forget the “ping” of another dull email—podcasts are shaking up the PR world. Move aside, traditional press releases. We’ve entered an era where your commute or evening jog is the perfect time to tune into the latest news, stories, and industry insights from your favourite brands.

Podcasts: The Sonic Boom in PR

Press releases have long been the bread and butter of public relations. But let’s be honest: they can be a bit…dry. Enter podcasts—those delightful auditory experiences that blend storytelling, conversation, and information in a way that’s both engaging and accessible. Podcasts are today the go-to medium for brands to connect with their audiences, narrate their stories, and establish a commanding presence in their respective industries.

Why Podcasts?

  1. Storytelling on Steroids

Podcasts offer an unparalleled platform for storytelling. Unlike the concise, often sterile nature of press releases, podcasts provide the freedom to dig deep into narratives, explore varied perspectives, and present information in a more relatable way. It’s like comparing a scribbled note to an engrossing audiobook.

  1. Building Authentic Connections

Podcasts create an intimate listening experience that fosters a sense of connection between the host and the listener. This intimacy is a powerful tool for brands looking to build trust and rapport with their audience. Imagine hearing the story of a company straight from the founder’s mouth, complete with personal anecdotes and a touch of humour. It’s more engaging than reading a bullet point list of achievements any day.

  1. Thought Leadership, Amplified

Positioning yourself as a thought leader is a key objective in any PR strategy. Podcasts provide an ideal platform for sharing expert insights, discussing industry trends, and engaging with other thought leaders. It’s an opportunity to showcase expertise in a conversational format that feels less like a lecture and more like a coffee chat.

Prominent Brands That Are Turning Up the Volume

GE’s “The Message”

General Electric, known for its industrial prowess, took a creative leap with its podcast, “The Message”. Instead of a standard corporate update, GE produced a science fiction podcast that subtly highlighted its technology and innovation in a story-driven format. The result? A compelling narrative that not only engaged listeners but also subtly reinforced GE’s position as a leader in cutting-edge technology.

Infosys’ “Trailblazers Talk”

Infosys, a global leader in technology and consulting services, runs the “Trailblazers Talk” podcast series. This podcast features in-depth conversations with industry leaders, innovators, and thinkers who are shaping the future of technology and business. By sharing insights and perspectives from top professionals, Infosys positions itself as a thought leader and innovator in the tech industry.

Through this podcast, Infosys not only enhances its brand credibility but also provides valuable content that resonates with business professionals, tech enthusiasts, and potential clients, fostering a deeper connection with its target audience.

Tata Consultancy Services’ “TCS Tech Talk”

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) offers the “TCS Tech Talk” podcast, which delves into the latest trends in technology, business transformation, and digital innovation. Featuring experts from TCS and the broader tech community, this podcast provides valuable insights into how technology is reshaping industries and society.

“TCS Tech Talk” helps TCS reinforce its position as a thought leader in the tech industry, providing content that is both informative and influential for business leaders, IT professionals, and tech enthusiasts.

How to Get Your Brand into the Podcast Groove

  1. Find Your Unique Voice

Every brand has a unique story to tell. The key is to find your voice and the story that will resonate most with your audience. Are you a tech company with a futuristic vision? Or a lifestyle brand with a focus on sustainability? Whatever your niche, make sure your podcast reflects your brand’s identity and values.

  1. Invest in Quality

While podcasts are generally more cost-effective than video production, they still require a certain level of investment to ensure quality. Invest in good recording equipment, professional editing, and, if possible, hire a skilled host or narrator. Remember, your podcast is an extension of your brand, and quality matters.

  1. Promote, Promote, Promote

Just like any other piece of content, your podcast needs promotion. Leverage your existing channels—social media, email newsletters, website—to spread the word. Encourage listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, and share episodes. The more you promote, the wider your reach.

The Future Sounds Bright

Podcasts are more than just a trend; they are a powerful tool in the PR toolkit, offering a dynamic way to share stories, build connections, and establish thought leadership. As brands continue to explore this medium, the sound of PR is changing—and it’s a tune that’s music to our ears.

So, next time you’re tempted to hit send on that press release, maybe think about pressing play on a podcast instead. Who knows? You might just find that the future of your brand sounds better than ever.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Prasad Ramasubramanian
Prasad Ramasubramanian is the PR and Communications Manager at Veranda Learning Solutions, a renowned listed enterprise specializing in comprehensive education solutions. With an impressive career spanning over 19 years, Prasad is a seasoned communications professional with a wealth of experience in diverse media sectors.
Before joining Veranda Learning Solutions, Prasad held senior positions at esteemed organizations such as Times of India, CyberMedia, and Deccan Chronicle. His extensive background in the media industry has equipped him with a profound understanding of various facets, contributing to his effectiveness in shaping and executing strategic communication initiatives.

Prasad's strategic approach to communication has played a pivotal role in enhancing the visibility and reputation of the organizations he has been associated with. His proven track record in managing communications for listed enterprises and leading media outlets underscores his expertise in navigating the dynamic landscape of the education sector.

At Veranda Learning Solutions, Prasad continues to bring his wealth of experience and insights to drive impactful communication strategies, further solidifying the company's position as a key player in the education space.

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