We all need to be those aspirational superheroes!

Probably we all wake up these days hoping for a superhero or a Genie to come to our rescue. Like those movies, if an awesome superhero could simply come and save us from the current uncertain times, wouldn’t that be the perfect solution. Unfortunately, that’s not happening anytime soon. And that’s why we need to wear those magical capes and cope up with these unpredictable times, all by ourselves. 

It brings me back to the question – did all the superheroes come with inherent superpowers? Maybe yes or maybe not. But all of them definitely realised their personal strengths and potential, and had their fair share of tragedy as well. Infact, could be the hard times and tragedy that made them realise to look for their superpowers and help the world. 

Can we as communicators do the same?

We could stay connected with our client teams and strategise what is it that might work for them, when these uncertain times move over. So why not try and list out solutions for ourselves and for the brands we work with to #Supportneighborhoodbrands and #StayLocal 

Move the conversation and thoughts beyond the falling revenues. Yes, we will have to get over this tragedy and think better for the future. How do we get higher recall and growth for our clients in the limited budgets that they have. Let’s get frugal to evaluate which platform will deliver higher benefits for the brands and how should we approach the same. 

Adjust to the changing market demographics and new set of target audiences. The next phase of business will have to adapt to different markets, because any previous style of segmentation might not work. And this makes it even more imperative for communication professionals to personalise the messaging. There is also a possibility that the brands we work with might be targeting a new market, which previously never made it to their consideration. So, we need to prepare how and what do we speak in these newer markets. Additionally the target audiences can no more be divided basis economic capabilities or interests or all the other categories. People will now be making buying decisions basis different conditions, and this mixes up the audience profile more than ever. Simply said, it might be a time to again understand the consumer behaviors, such as – who would indulge and who would save; who would like to buy now and who would push the purchases for a later date; will we ever look beyond essentials or luxury will continue to please. This and more perspectives will have to be evaluated by communicators to plan better campaigns. 

Fight for yourself but remember everyone is in the same boat. These tough times have created some daunting situations for one and all. The impact for each individual might vary, but it doesn’t take away the fact that all of us have had to face the current difficult times. So, don’t forget to help your team or anyone who can benefit from the same. Help could be through sharing some new business, or just updates from the media fraternity or could be one free idea for better customer service. 

Learn to communicate better and often. Talk to your teams, your clients, everyone that you collaborate with usually – just reach out. The more you communicate, the better it would be to understand whats happening on the ground level with different audiences. Let’s go back to the era where we spent time talking to people to plan better. Let go off the virtual meeting, instead talk and build ideas. 

Think beyond and plan today. This comes easily to us as Indians, and hence far more practical, if we try and apply it to our professions. Start working with the clients to design an approach when the severity of the current situation is lesser. Can we work on accommodating the “new normal” and yet add to the business growth? These questions aren’t simple and solutions can be derived only after a deep-dive with the brands you work for. Do that now, not to prepare for a new crisis, but for a new environment. 

The ground reality is that these are tough times and hence the need for all of us to toughen up. Whether it helps to be a superhero or just human, choose and fight the battle. Take it as a great opportunity for every communication professional to think differently, rather create a new wave of unique specialist thinkers! Be a superhero always!

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Pooja Trehan
Pooja Trehan, VP, Communications & Public Policy.

Building brands through story-telling is what keeps me going! Having spent 18years in this industry, I am far more excited to experiment on what's next to unlearn. Worked with industries across FMCG, Oil & Gas, Technology, Fashion, Telecom, Media House, F&B and now Sports, my curiosity to craft a narrative only gets deeper. Marathons, Black Coffee, learning about Scotch and Malts, reading everything i can, travelling, are few of other personal passions that I happily pursue.

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