The Culture Playbook – 60 Highly Effective Actions to Help your Group Succeed

What is required to promote a solid team culture? How can you foster an environment that is supportive of all the team members within the organisation? What qualities make a workplace appealing? Is it the people there or the money you may earn there? Do you believe that retention and work culture are related? Yes, a significant portion of our working lives are spent at our places of employment, and if those workplaces are not welcoming, there is a potential that employees will look for better alternatives. According to an old saying- Employees don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses, Consequently, one’s professional development and choices are greatly influenced by the workplace culture.

What does the book cover?

The Culture Playbook does what it says on the cover. The book contains 60 suggestions that can help you succeed as a team or create a trusting environment. As we believe that there are various kinds of leadership styles, the book provides a wealth of suggestions for various organisational structures and leadership philosophies. You might not be able to relate to all 60 activities, but you can pick and choose the ones that do.

The book has chapters dedicated to different themes and actions associated with it. The author has shared some interesting and interactive exercises and questions that served as a basis for introspection.

Top three tips (chosen randomly)

  • Tip #52 Start Each Meeting by Linking to Your Group’s Purpose: Focus on the big why. Thoughts on connecting the dots between the events of today and the team’s larger purpose.
  • Tip #26 Send the Three -Line Email: It’s simple to execute and very effective. Idea is to send your team an email containing these three questions:
    • What is one thing I currently do that you ‘d like me to continue to do?
    • What is one thing that I don’t currently do frequently enough that you think I should do more often?
    • What can I do to make you more effective?

As per the author, the questions are short but sends a big trust strengthening signal –Please help me improve. this can be followed by in-person meeting to strengthen the relationship further. This exercise will further motivate the team members also to imbibe.

  • Tip #9 Embrace Deep Fun: Fun comes in two forms, Shallow and Deep. Shallow fun is of doing fun together like playing games, laughter and listening to music. However, on the other hand, deep fun occurs when people take ownership of the experience of group life. They make decisions and hold responsibility together. Deep fun includes designing your own workspaces, plan the off-sites. As per the author, one study states that organisations that commit to deep-fun methods achieve more than four times the average profit and more than two times the average revenue of companies that focus merely on shallow engagement

What’s in it for me?

I enjoyed reading it. The exercise in the book is very helpful and gave me a perspective of where I stood. The tips are super easy to implement. I will keep it handy and revisit it for future reference.

My recommendation

Recommended for people who work with teams. Many people will find value in the book’s advice and resources. Read it as and when you want to. It ‘s handy book to refer and choose tips that one would want to implement for their teams. And build that rock solid culture of inclusiveness and growth. It’s a great book to gift your bosses or senior colleagues at work.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Sarika Chavan
Sarika Chavan is a public relations professional with over 15 years of work experience.

Sarika has previously had stints with with Weber Shandwick as Vice President - Client Experience, Adfactors PR, Text100 (now Archetype) and Perfect Relations. With keen observation and analytical skills, Sarika has successfully led PR campaigns for key brands across multiple sectors by leveraging her strength and expertise in the communications arena.

She is a post graduate in communications from Xavier Institute of Communications. She is based in Mumbai and in her free time loves to spend time with her daughters, play with her dogs, read and travel.

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