Happy New Year dear fellow professional…

In case you read my last column of last year you would have read that I started by saying that 2018 was outstanding for me. I also ended that piece by saying I hope 2019 will be a better year for all of us. It’s the first Monday of the year and I write this from Bangalore. We just heard over the weekend about a tragic accident that one of our fellow professionals was involved in. And several people have reached out to raise  fund for this cause because it involves one of our own. While her employer will certainly support her, everyone can pitch in.

This week this portal enters the fourth year of operation and it has been a smooth ride. Starting this week we onboard the sixth columnist who will contribute a weekly column around leadership at the workplace. Shreya Krishnan will write regularly under Forward Leap. You maybe familiar with Scribe View by Madhavan Narayanan, Engaging Strokes by Shree Lahiri, Little Joys by Ritu Bararia and State Craft by Hemant Gaule. This was the vision of the portal – to bring varied insights through a mix of regular and stand-alone columns. And it has been achieved slowly and steadily.

The portal will also aim to publish 25 interviews of PR consultancy leaders this year and those will start appearing around the 15th and 30th of the month.

In September this year, a special edition of the Reputation Today magazine will be published which will be a directory of sorts for the Indian Public Relations and corporate communication professional. It is open to all. To feature in it, please send the following details by email to editor@reputationtoday.in (from your personal email address with official email in cc). There is no fee. People who began their careers in 2017 and earlier will feature. Hard copies will be distributed at #PRAXIS8. Kindly send details by January 31st with no objection to the eight items below being published with your full name in CAPS in subject line.

  1. Name
  2. Designation
  3. Organisation
  4. Twitter handle
  5. City of birth
  6. Current city of residence
  7. Favourite book
  8. Most trusted brand

Reputation Today will support the creation of an association that is focussed on learning and individual development. This will have as members teams of two who at the time of enrolling will be from a corporate communication job and a consulting role. And the two will be female and male. This is an idea that has come from a bunch of younger professionals. And you will see 100 such teams by the end of the first quarter learning and sharing. If you would like to be part of this movement write from your official email address to shreya@promisefoundation.com with Forward Leap in the subject line and copy your team member as well as team@reputationtoday.in on the mail.

So, there is a lot going on – a series of columns, a directory in the offing and a platform focussed on learning and development.

We would love to hear from you and have you partner in the various ventures that are planned through the year. Share your ideas with the content director at anubhuti@promisefoundation.com and if you would like to collaborate or partner write to roshan@promisefoundation.com.

I will always wait to hear from you and the best way to reach me is a Twitter DM at @amithpr. Thanks for reading. Hope to see you at one of our platforms this year. Have a powerful 2019.

Amith Prabhu on BloggerAmith Prabhu on FacebookAmith Prabhu on Twitter
Amith Prabhu
Amith Prabhu is the Founder of the PRomise Foundation which organises PRAXIS, India’s annual summit of reputation management professionals.

He is also the Founding Dean of the School of Communications & Reputation (SCoRe).

He can be reached at @amithpr on twitter.

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