Improving wellbeing – the wellness mindset - Part 1 - Reputation Today

Improving wellbeing – the wellness mindset – Part 1

“How are you” people often ask you and nowadays the most common response is “I am good”. Go back a decade and remember the response then. It normally used to be “Very well thank you and you?” Where did the very well vanish?

The truth is that in the present VUCA (Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world we live in, change is in reality the only constant. Human values have deteriorated immensely. The pandemic has left a very negative impact on humanity and caused mental health disorders. People are grappling with volatility and uncertainty all the time. Behind most human minds, these questions constantly lurk- ‘What if the Pandemic strikes again’, ‘Will I lose more near and dear ones?’, ‘Why is everyone so angry’, ‘Where has human trust vanished’, ‘Another natural disaster?’ ‘Why has the weather changed so much?’ and so on…

If we lose our wellness we lose our ability to be our best version. Lack of wellness leads to several health disorders, especially with increased stress. In fact we lose our wellbeing, aging catches up, cardio vascular disorders and even diabetes and many other ailments start becoming your best friends. You become physically and mentally unhealthy.

A wellness mindset today has become essential to survive. Sometimes we blindly follow wellness regimens, however it all begins in the mind and therefore you need to change your mindset first. There is a long list of do’s to evolve to a wellness mindset but here are a few fundamental steps you need to take first-

Become wellness conscious

Comprehend the true meaning of wellness especially in the stressful world of today and imbibe the concept of wellness in your subconscious first and then in your actions. This is the biggest foundation you can create when you embark on the journey of the wellness mindset. Make healthy habits an essential core of your living to achieve better physical and mental health outcomes. The term wellness was partly inspired by the preamble to the World Health Organisation’s 1948 constitution which said: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It was initially brought to use in the US by Halbert L. Therefore wellness translates into true wellbeing.

Start with your body wellness

A healthy body houses a healthy mind is a renowned saying. Take it seriously. Go to your general physician for a complete health check-up. Your doctor will give you a clear reflection of your physical health indicators. Depending on your health conditions your doctor will not only prescribe treatment through medication but will also recommend actions based on your age. These actions are more important than the medication. Our body is built to self-cure, medication will help relieve symptoms and propel self-curing but your actions will turbo you into curing. These can be simple actions like have less salt, sugar, fats etc. or take more fruit and vegetables. Or can also be taking actions like exercising more every day, mediation and more.

And then onto your mind

Anxiety and overthinking are the first symptoms of ill health of your mind. Just lock yourself in, put your mobile out of reach and reflect in depth. Then take a piece of paper and jot down all your worries and causes of anxiety. Run them past your best friend or close family member. After that carefully tick off from the list, the ones you can control and the ones you cannot control. Now look carefully look at the ones you can control and try to find solutions. The ones you cannot control just leave those in the hands of the almighty. Create a fuse that goes off in your mind as you enter the anxious state of mind. Learn how to calm yourself and be a happy person. Try to include meditation and yoga in your daily routine. Listen to music, be more in nature, play with animals and most of all celebrate today, that’s why it’s called the present

Continued in my next column

“Motivate the mind and set your body free” Shaun Thompson

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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