Political Machinations Unveiled – Mr Ajay Singh Decodes the BJP Blueprint

After lunch the stage was set for a compelling discussion between Mr. Ajay Singh, current Press Secretary to the President of India, author & architect of the groundbreaking book, “Architect of the New BJP: How Narendra Modi Transformed the Party,” and Rohit Bansal of Reliance Industries. The topic was – “Management Lessons from Building the World’s Largest Political Party”.

With the 2024 Lok Sabha election on the horizon, the discussion became a timely exploration of the multifaceted battleground that awaits India. So listening to Mr Ajay Singh was indeed very topical and enlightening too, as he unraveled the transformation of the BJP over the decades. He is known for his contributions to the party.

#BJPTransformationJourney #SPECTRAInsights #PoliticalEvolution #BJPLeadership #BJPStorytelling #FutureOfBJP

We learnt that based on extensive interviews with many party workers, leaders and observers, the storytelling covered how the veterans of BJP, developed a unique Indian model that eventually transformed the party into the election-winning machine it is today.

Drawing parallels between Mahatma Gandhi’s influence on Congress and the BJP’s growth in the Hindi heartland, Ajay Singh highlighted the party’s adaptability to new situations. The book casts a spotlight on PM Modi’s transformative journey from RSS to BJP, particularly his “first test” as a party General Secretary during politically charged times in Gujarat.

As the party spreads its wings even further, he observed that the expansion of BJP had no parallel in the past. So, emphasising  the unparalleled expansion of the BJP, he attributed it to PM Modi’s unconventional methods of cadre building. “This incredible feat seamlessly achieved by BJP is unique and will continue to dominate the political scene for decades to come,” he disclosed.

In a Dialogue with Rohit Bansal, Reliance Industries, Mr Singh explained how his book displays the growth of the political scenario. Today, the general impression is that it’s individual appeal that drives a political party. Party building is very essential in democratic politics and requires a lot of skill.

The expansion of BJP has no parallel in post Independence, he pointed out. The ‘Modi effect’ on the BJP as well as the political landscape of ‘New India’ on the whole.

Mr Singh terms it “one of India’s most exciting political journeys”. Moreover, in his book he has “focused exclusively on building up the organisational network of the BJP, and the methods employed in it”. The context is deliberately confined to Modi’s organisational abilities and subsequent expansion of the BJP in areas considered inaccessible to the party such as eastern India, the northeast and parts of southern India.

Would he have written about the Ram Mandir episode? “No, I would rather not talk about it. The resolution happened through the process of law”, was his prompt reply.

What has the party done beyond core ideology? BJB stood strong, passing over myriad situations consistently, adapting to new situations, contrary to common thinking. They stood fast on their principles, led by their able leader and won! They remained true to their ideology, which helped the party to grow.

Looking into the future, as far as succession planning goes, what is the scene here? The kind of organisation, our PM Mod has built, it will go on for decades, for the dominance of BJP will reign for long – was his final passing shot.

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

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Shree Lahiri
Shree is the Senior Editor at Reputation Today and hopes to move from one focus area to another in the editions that will be released this year. Having worked in Corporate Communications teams, she has experience of advertising, public relations, investor and employee communications, after which she moved to the other side – journalism. She enjoys writing and believes the power of the pen is indeed mighty. Covering the entertainment beat and the media business, she has been involved in a wide range of activities that have thrown open storytelling opportunities.

She can be reached at: @shree_la on twitter

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