Spread your light in this world!

I would like to start my column by wishing all our readers a Very Happy & Prosperous Diwali! Hope you and your loved ones sparkle and shine in this auspicious festival of lights!

Destination mindset is the name of this weekly column, aimed at not only understanding what mindset is and therefore reaching out to others more effectively, but also changing your own mindset to be successful in business and become more acceptable as a leader and a human being. While I have attempted to demystify various kinds of mindset in all my past columns, I thought that on the occasion of Diwali let’s talk about how you can spread your own light in this world with your experience, capabilities, presence, knowledge, leadership and positive attitude.

Believe me, small changes go a big way. After all knowledge is power and power triggers evolution and progress. From the stone age to reaching the moon – our current focus on technological prowess has impacted the quality of human life hugely. Many strings are needed to create a strong rope therefore every string matters. The more you contribute to this universe, the more progress mankind will see and benefit from.

Take care of small things and big things will take care of themselves. Here are some small things that you can do to spread your light in this world.

Share your knowledge and learn everyday

Knowledge is the core of all progress. Those who do not thirst for knowledge remain in the dark. Every day is a process of arduous learning and relearning if you need to catch up and remain future ready. Sharing your own knowledge generously helps you grow. Teach your team and they become better at what they do. Knowledge sessions for your team augers team bonding and better understanding of each other. It also pushes you to stay ahead of them. Your own experiences are unique and suited to your terrain. Perfect your knowledge with excellence in application. Leave your own glow behind.

Light up with your positivity

In this world of uncertainty and change become a beacon of positivity. The 1000 watt positivity bulb that you glow with has to be authentic to start with  or it will be a fused bulb! Look at the glass and see it half full not half empty. This does not mean that it is unrealistic. Look at barriers as opportunities and work hard to overcome them. Be good in what you do. But be positive and enthusiastic. This outlook spreads like wildfire. Everyone around you becomes energetic and ready to go!

Spread smiles

You can get work done or work yourself while being humorous. Many look stoic and serious and think that wonders happen this way. Actually your team and others get nervous and retreat into themselves. Of course you are not running a circus as a clown but there needs to be a balance between serious work and looking serious. But while working on excellence you can actually enthuse fun and boost confidence. Others should look forward to meeting you because while being a hard taskmaster they know that you can set their straight line curved. Smiles take you many miles!

Be enthusiastic and energetic

An energetic human being attracts and inspires other people around them. Look and feel energised. Be enthusiastic in your approach. Look at the Captain of a winning cricket team or even the leader of a ramshackle football team in your colony. They are the most energetic people in their team. Even clients get impressed with enthusiastic and energetic service providers. But all this can fail if you do not perform!

By doing these simple things you can really spread your light in this world. The world is not dark entirely; there is dawn in sight. Be part of the sunrise to brighten mother earth.

” Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day” Jhiess Krieg

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Amitesh Banerjee
Amitesh is a seasoned positive integrated communications disruptor with several years of multi- country/multi- domain experience. He has worked for reputed organisations in senior leadership positions including JWT, ITC, New Zealand Dairy Board, Seychelles Marketing Board, Perfect Relations, Genesis BCW, Adfactors, Della Group, H+K Strategies among others. Amitesh is Senior Vice President of Beanstalk Asia- a leading Integrated Marketing Communications firm.

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