Lessons we learn when we hit rock bottom! - Reputation Today

Lessons we learn when we hit rock bottom!

Somehow the entire planet went through a transformative phase, ever since 2020 began. There has been no shying away from the effort that every individual is putting-in, to stay afloat and think positive (not test positive, hopefully!). As a big picture, like everybody, I’m hoping as well that there is a new light shining at the end of this darkest tunnel.

Somedays begin with immense hope and somedays the gloom can’t be missed. But in all this the only thing that helped me personally, is to learn life’s hardest lessons, especially when one doesn’t want to learn anything.

And I attribute this to motherhood, to my son, my best teacher in life. Rather the ability to learn and stay flexible, which came along for me only when I turned a mother to my son. In no way, is this detrimental towards others who learn much more and aren’t on the parenthood route. I’m simply sharing what made a difference for me, and that was being my son’s mother.

Lessons I attempted to learn might not be unique or different but helped me gain a new perspective. Maybe, we could send these out in the universe to make things better, from here, because this rock bottom has to shift soon – personally and professionally – for all of us.

Hope. Believe. Faith. The idea to believe in a stronger power, beyond us, is not an alien thought. But sometimes, hope is all we have left with us. Go on a repeat mode, just keep repeating the loop – where you can simply believe in eternal good for one and all. Just do it!

Stand strong. Find some way to help another soul. Rumi doesn’t just say it in his poems for some effect, it’s true when he says – to give is to bring back a lot of abundance. There is some peace in giving and helping others. When we live through tough times, giving is last on our list because we personally are trying to cope and survive. But maybe it’s time to change that and work around our problems little differently. Help someone in need and you could bump into a possibility where a new solution might come walking your way. Yes, I met a lot of people who walked away when tough times hit and closed their doors. But I also met people whom one never expected to help, especially when they don’t want anything out of the whole process. These are the gems who found out, helping others is what makes life liveable. So, let’s do that and make it a practice. I tried in small ways and it did bring me a lot of patience and gratitude.

Humility. Positive Intent. Empathy. Live through these values as closely as you can. They are not stepchildren born out of covid, but something we forgot to do, in our fast-paced life’s. Don’t beat yourself up, just accept to be mindful and imbibe as much as you can, especially for the long-term. Don’t do anything as a fashion statement for that particular season but make it a beautiful heritage that shall live longer than your legacy. Read that again and smile through it.

It all happens for a reason. Something new has to begin. It’s tough when we are living through hell, day in day out. I mean it’s our personally defined hell, no one hell is similar to another one. But we can’t be devoid from the fact that all of us struggle through something, as we breathe daily. Only if we hold on to that day’s lessons with an objective that as the moon rises we will learn something new. There is a reason we learnt life’s lessons the hard way, because when life was staring at us with those lessons, we didn’t pay attention. So, the storm came to shake us up from our slumber and make us stronger. This too shall pass, keep walking.

Don’t move when the sharks are circling. Allow the storm to create havoc, don’t fight it. Sometimes it’s okay to just give in. To just sit down and accept that we can’t do anything. Rather, inaction is good. Maybe for once we shouldn’t fight the universe and its pattern, just let it move the natural course it has to. So many times, we struggle to find solutions or make the moments better or just do something to get out of the shithole that life pushes us into. Sorry, to burst your bubble, there is nothing you can do about it. If you enjoyed sunny days with a tall glass of lemonade (and lots more), then just sit down and face everything that doesn’t seem sunny anymore!

Every day, I look for signs in some text saying that it will all get better. I do that, everyday. And that is when I decided to write this. One of those sparks, just came by. Breathe in, breathe out, say your thanks to the higher power and remember you will get through it. Just keep breathing and never forget to laugh at yourself. Laughing helps, because it makes you accept everything in every form. Keep laughing!

The views and opinions published here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.

Pooja Trehan
Pooja Trehan, VP, Communications & Public Policy.

Building brands through story-telling is what keeps me going! Having spent 18years in this industry, I am far more excited to experiment on what's next to unlearn. Worked with industries across FMCG, Oil & Gas, Technology, Fashion, Telecom, Media House, F&B and now Sports, my curiosity to craft a narrative only gets deeper. Marathons, Black Coffee, learning about Scotch and Malts, reading everything i can, travelling, are few of other personal passions that I happily pursue.

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