
Communication in Death

Communication does not end with death. My dad – Honorary Capt. BSRV Subba Rao (89) – who died in Hyderabad on September 25, 2017, donated…

New business is everyone’s business

Business development is and should be a key function for any corporate entity. It’s important to continuously generate clients and customers for the products and/or…

News comes with an immediate expiry date

Corporate communications professionals and public relations firms often face this question from their bosses or clients – “why isn’t the media covering our press releases…

Government: The new PR hive

An article published recently caught my eye. It spoke of how the government was considering taking on board a leading public relations firm from UK…

Storytelling and Communications

American poet Muriel Ruykeser once said, “The world is not made of atoms. The world is made of stories.”  If you are looking for a…